Survey Says: Top The Redwall Abbey Selector results, Books Survey
The top 7 The Redwall Abbey Selector results of 358 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Redwall Abbey Selector.      

#1 31.3%
Matthias - You are the Abbey Champion. You were born a quiet mouse and later became a legendary warrior! You are a born leader.
#2 24.9%
Methuselah - You are the recorder or Redwall Abbey. Although very old, you can still put up a fight. You are a teacher and pass on old traditions.
#3 20.7%
Cornflower - You are Matthias' sweetheart. Your kindness helps the Abbey through turmoil. Many people think of you as sweet and very polite.
#4 9.8%
Martin the Warrior - You founded the Abbey and are the spirit which guides its inhabitants through troubled times. Many people come to you with their problems.
#5 4.7%
Asmodeus the Adder - You enjoy squeezing the life out of your victims slowly. You are feared by all and are proud of it. You don't have any friends and are often lonely.
#6 4.7%
Cluny the Scourge - You are the warlord who attacks Redwall. You are ruthless and evil. People are afraid of you, change your ways!!
#7 3.9%
Warbeak Sparra - You are part of the fighting tribe of sparrows that resides in the Abbey. You never go out without a fight. You are daring and hard-working.

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