Survey Says: Top Which one of the Fab 5 are you? results, Television Survey
The top 6 Which one of the Fab 5 are you? results of 57 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which one of the Fab 5 are you?.      

#1 54.4%
1. Carson- you are always very happy and showing it with your vibrant outfits and innate sense of fashion. Keep on rocking you flamer you!
#2 17.5%
2. Ted- you like to cook. A lot. And you’re very good. You often show your emotions through your food. And, you grate your own carrots. What’s up with that?
#3 14.0%
5. Jai- you’re quick on your feet, dancing wise, and smooth with your words. You’re very perky and know how to socialize. Plus, you’re almost as flaming gay as Carson! Aren’t you proud?!
#4 10.5%
4. Thom- you’re often very sarcastic and laid back. Nice combo. You can really jazz up a room with your jokes and your interior decorating.
#5 3.5%
6. The girlfriend
#6 0.0%
3. Kyan- you’re hair is probably REALLY soft, and you’re skin is probably REALLY smooth. Way to go on your personal hygiene. If you weren’t gay, you’d probably be the first to get a girl.

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