Survey Says: Top find your elemental dragon results, Personality Survey
The top 4 find your elemental dragon results of 68 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for find your elemental dragon.      

#1 48.5%
earth dragon. laid back and mellow. a person of few words. you step back and veiw the big picture before you act.
#2 22.1%
water dragon. you are very intutitive and always aware of your surroundings. you are witty and charming and get along with anyone.
#3 13.2%
fire dragon. passionate, intense energy and always ready to go. you can carry a conversation.
#4 10.3%
ice/wind dragon. you are analytical and can be cunning and are wary of others. you tend to be distant and less communicative.

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