Survey Says: Top Which member of my life are you most like? results, Personality Survey
The top 8 Which member of my life are you most like? results of 36 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which member of my life are you most like?.      

#1 61.1%
My Mombops, Susan. You're nice, helpful, and a female version of me making you really cool.
#2 13.9%
You're my good buddy, Dan. You're funny and fun to hang out with.
#3 8.3%
You're my girham, Nicole. You're mature, caring, and very beautiful.
#4 5.6%
You're me! You're the serious, helpful, and sexy one.
#5 5.6%
You're my sister, Jenn. You're outgoing and graceful.
#6 2.8%
You're my dad, Ken. You're friendly and try your hardest to make people have fun.
#7 2.8%
You're my pretty much brother James, you're loyal and an overall good guy.
#8 0.0%
You're my science teacher, Mr. Brown. You're out of your mind and need help. Change yourself. PLEASE

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