Survey Says: Top Which Hogwarts qudditch player are you? results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 19 Which Hogwarts qudditch player are you? results of 723 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Hogwarts qudditch player are you?.      

#1 30.8%
Alicia Spinnet
#2 17.8%
Cho Chang
#3 14.5%
Angelina Johnson
#4 8.6%
Harry Potter
#5 7.1%
Ginny Weasley
#6 6.6%
Cedric Diggory
#7 3.2%
Andrew Kirke/Jack Sloper
#8 2.8%
Draco Malfoy
#9 2.4%
Fred/George Weasley
#10 1.7%
Crabbe/Goyle, Derrick/Bole
#11 1.0%
Marcus Flint
#12 1.0%
Oliver Wood
#13 1.0%
Zacharias Smith
#14 0.8%
Ron Weasley
#15 0.4%
Miles Bletchley
#16 0.1%
#17 0.1%
Roger Davies
#18 0.1%
#19 0.0%
Katie Bell

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