Survey Says: Top Horror-Phantastic-Gothic-Author Selector results, Books Survey
The top 21 Horror-Phantastic-Gothic-Author Selector results of 1514 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Horror-Phantastic-Gothic-Author Selector.      

#1 41.2%
Clive Barker
#2 22.1%
Richard Matheson
#3 9.0%
Edgar Allan Poe
#4 6.3%
Ray Bradbury
#5 4.2%
Bram Stoker
#6 4.0%
Anne Rice
#7 3.4%
Algernon Blackwood
#8 2.6%
Stephen King
#9 2.0%
Peter Straub
#10 0.8%
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
#11 0.8%
John Saul
#12 0.7%
E.T.A. Hoffmann
#13 0.6%
Dean R. Koontz
#14 0.5%
Ira Levin
#15 0.4%
Nathaniel Hawthorne
#16 0.4%
Robert Bloch
#17 0.4%
T.E.D. Klein
#18 0.2%
Ramsey Campbell
#19 0.2%
William P. Blatty
#20 0.1%
Arthur Machen
#21 0.1%
Whitley Striber

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