Survey Says: Top Who are you most likely to marry from ROTK results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 20 Who are you most likely to marry from ROTK results of 92 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Who are you most likely to marry from ROTK.      

#1 22.8%
Faramir Captain of Gondor
#2 17.4%
Aragorn King of Gondor
#3 14.1%
Gandalf StormCrow
#4 12.0%
Eomer Captain of Rohan
#5 6.5%
Frodo of Bag End
#6 6.5%
Imrahil Prince of Dol Amroth
#7 5.4%
Elrond of Rivendell
#8 4.3%
Boromir Captain of Minas-Tirith
#9 4.3%
Theoden King of Rohan
#10 3.3%
Merry of Buckland
#11 2.2%
Legolas Prince of Mirkwood
#12 1.1%
Samwise of BagShot Row
#13 0.0%
Denathor Steward of Gondor
#14 0.0%
Gamling the old
#15 0.0%
Gimli son of Gloin
#16 0.0%
#17 0.0%
Hama of the Guard of Rohan
#18 0.0%
Pippin of Smials of Hobbiton
#19 0.0%
Saruman of Isengaurd
#20 0.0%
Ugluk leader of the Uru-khia

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