Survey Says: Top What 'Animal' from the Pink Floyd album are you? results, Musical Groups Survey
Musical Groups
The top 3 What 'Animal' from the Pink Floyd album are you? results of 116 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What 'Animal' from the Pink Floyd album are you?.      

#1 58.6%
You're a Dog. You're lonely, hateful, and miserable. You either help the Pigs in order to gain power, ro you fight them because you hate them. You either take orders from Pigs to oppress the Sheep, or you hate them for their blind ignorance. and if you truly care for someone, you can be a good dog.
#2 22.4%
You're a Pig. You radiate cold shafts of broken glass, you're greedy, vile, corporate, and geniunely evil. You explot Sheep, and Dogs, and the Dogs who don't follow you are branded as cowards. You also force your opinions. If anyone disagrees, they're the enemy.
#3 15.5%
You're a Sheep. You don't think, you only follow the Pigs and obey. You believe in things you've never seen, and you're pretty stupid. But you'll eventually rise up against the Dogs, but in the process, you'll become one yourself.

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