Survey Says: Top Which RKO Player Are You? results, Movies Survey
The top 8 Which RKO Player Are You? results of 117 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which RKO Player Are You?.      

#1 19.7%
You're Ron! Um.....yay? Lots of people don't like you, but you continue to show up. Props to you, m'lad.
#2 17.9%
You're Rich! You are one of the cast directors and a hell of a decent human being.
#3 14.5%
You're Bill! The cast fatass! Everyone loves you and thinks your squishy! Anything you can do, I can do fatter!
#4 13.7%
You're Matt! Neo, Neo! Ted, Ted, Ted! You have a lot of nicknames, foo! You go, scarecrow!
#5 13.7%
You're Nicole! The People's Columbia! Everyone loves you, and you give off pheremones that make it happen!
#6 10.3%
You're Hannah! That's right, your a twirp! But we all like you, otherwise, you wouldn't be here! Kids are people too!
#7 6.0%
You're Ray! You are one of the cast directors! You have more weapons than a 3rd world country, and you scare a lot of people!
#8 4.3%
You are Shannon! Yes, you are the wonderfully talented Shanni! Your voice is great, and your blonde to boot!

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