Survey Says: Top Which Jhonen Vasquez Character are You? results, Comics Survey
The top 12 Which Jhonen Vasquez Character are You? results of 356 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Jhonen Vasquez Character are You?.      

#1 38.2%
JOHNNY a.k.a. "NNY"--Johnny's very intelligent but often taunted for the way he looks. He doesn't take kindly to those who bully him and often winds up locking them up in his basement to torture violently when the mood strikes him. Johnny tends to be moody, but keeps pretty much to himself (unless provoked, of course).
#2 24.4%
DEVI--She's a well-read artist who takes her work very seriously. Devi doesn't get out a lot due to paranoia and lack of interest in humanity. She always seems to end up dating weirdos.
#3 11.0%
Wobbly Headed Bob
#4 4.8%
#5 4.2%
#6 3.9%
#7 3.7%
ANNE GWISH--Anne is a trendy, club-hopping, goth-girl...whether she chooses to admit it or not. She believes herself to be an individual, when in reality she's just part of the crowd. Anne talks behind other people's backs, but agonizes when it's herself that others are talking about.
#8 3.1%
Happy Noodle Boy
#9 2.8%
TENNA--Cheerful and generally optimistic, Tenna is a happy-go-lucky type who believes that anyone can feel better just by getting out of the house every now and then.
#10 2.5%
FILLERBUNNY--Fillerbunny's sole purpose is to provide happiness for others, but he himself would rather be dead than live another day in his torturous reality.
#11 0.8%
SQUEE--A small, kind-hearted child who is hated by his parents for simply existing. Every day is filled with terror for this toddler, as he is constantly harrassed in school, abducted by aliens, and WORSE...
#12 0.6%
SHMEE--As Squee's little stuffed bear, Shmee is often there to comfort the little boy when he's trembling in fear. To protect your owner, you act as a sponge to absorb his terror.

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