Survey Says: Top League of Extraordinary Gentleman quiz results, Movies Survey
The top 8 League of Extraordinary Gentleman quiz results of 2021 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for League of Extraordinary Gentleman quiz.      

#1 17.4%
Rodney Skinner-You're sarcastic, and are also sneaky. You come through in a pinch, though you tend to offend others
#2 16.6%
Captain Nemo-You're very helpful and handy, and you are also very noble. You're a bit boring, but are kind.
#3 15.8%
Allan Quartermain-You're rugged and skilled, though a bit jaded. You are also proud of your life, though others may think otherwise
#4 15.1%
Tom Sawyer-You are young and naive, and idolize people. You are also kind, and will do anything for justice
#5 12.8%
Dorian Gray-You are charming and a bit of a traitor, and you have a tendancy to evil. Oddly, you are quite romantic
#6 11.3%
Mina Harker-You're mysterious and can be very aloof. You like to flirt very much, and are quite talented.
#7 5.9%
Dr. Jekyll-You are a bit paranoid and are also cowardly, but you come through and are very capable. You are often persuasive
#8 5.0%
Moriarty-You are a liar, and will do anything for what you want. You can be arrogant, but are also careful and meticulate

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