Survey Says: Top What Stereotype do you fit? results, Music Survey
The top 25 What Stereotype do you fit? results of 94 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Stereotype do you fit?.      

#1 21.3%
Everyone loves me!
#2 14.9%
#3 14.9%
#4 14.9%
#5 14.9%
#6 14.9%
#7 4.3%
I told you everyone loves me!
#8 0.0%
I am going to be Satan's Sidekick.
#9 0.0%
I am going to be a supermodel.
#10 0.0%
I am going to do Stand up Comedy.
#11 0.0%
I am going to work from home. By Myself!
#12 0.0%
I don't like people!
#13 0.0%
I don't need friends.
#14 0.0%
I like to be by myself.
#15 0.0%
I like to laugh about everything.
#16 0.0%
I like to push people around, and mess with their heads.
#17 0.0%
I love them, and they are so proud of me.
#18 0.0%
I'm Mad!
#19 0.0%
I'm Perfect.
#20 0.0%
Lots of people Think I'm funny!
#21 0.0%
Of course, people love my contagious, funny personality.
#22 0.0%
Only the ones who obey me.
#23 0.0%
They are worthless.
#24 0.0%
They are very dysfunctional. Look How I turned out!
#25 0.0%
They hate me too!

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