Survey Says: Top Which Person in my Group are you?? results, Friends & Roommates Survey
Friends & Roommates
The top 5 Which Person in my Group are you?? results of 87 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Person in my Group are you?? .      

#1 25.3%
Dani- the leader of the group, your a flirt (or should I say tease) funloving, but don't mess with her friends or family.
#2 20.7%
Miti(me)- Dani's younger sister,your vain, nice until made mad or jealous. brutally honest. blows friends off for boyfriend. DIZTY
#3 12.6%
Yvette- Dani's best friend, only person dani is afraid of. you don't need a guy to be happy. really nice. BUT DO NOT CROSS!
#4 9.2%
Nathan-(Miti's boyfriend) your the cutest guy alive, your only guy in the group, a romantic at heart but has a very bad temper that goes off at anything, experiments with lots of things, VERY HYPER
#5 9.2%
Tyra-Miti's best friend.your nice and generous, then you hold it against your friends. get mad at little things and will blow off your friends for any member of the opposite sex (and somtimes the same) you have a good heart, just no backbone.

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