Survey Says: Top Which Final Fantasy VIII Charecter are you most like! results, Anime Survey
The top 14 Which Final Fantasy VIII Charecter are you most like! results of 68 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Final Fantasy VIII Charecter are you most like!.      

#1 36.8%
#2 11.8%
Cid Kramer
#3 11.8%
Kiros Seagill
#4 11.8%
Squall Leonheart
#5 7.4%
Zell Dincht
#6 5.9%
Selphie Tilmitt
#7 5.9%
Ward Zabac
#8 4.4%
Seifer Almasy
#9 2.9%
Edea Kramer
#10 1.5%
Rinoa Heartilly
#11 0.0%
Irvine Kinnias
#12 0.0%
Laguna Loire
#13 0.0%
Quistis Trepe
#14 0.0%
Rajjin, ya know!

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