Survey Says: Top What kind of Zodiac Gale are you? results, Weird Survey
The top 4 What kind of Zodiac Gale are you? results of 49 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What kind of Zodiac Gale are you?.      

#1 59.2%
Blonde Gale. You are the gaurdian of the sky and are like the angels of Heaven. You are Aquariuses and love to daydream.
#2 26.5%
Brunette Gale. You are a leader Leo who protects the Earth. You love the outdoors.
#3 4.1%
Red Gale. You are a fiery redhead who loves adventure. You protect the Fire and are moody Libras.
#4 2.0%
You are neither. You are a human just like most but have the most important job of helping the Zodiac Gales in protecting the Elements. Keep up the good work!

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