Survey Says: Top Deya and Kit's Female Friend Character Quiz results, Personality Survey
The top 10 Deya and Kit's Female Friend Character Quiz results of 59 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Deya and Kit's Female Friend Character Quiz.      

#1 40.7%
Natalia - Does family ring a bell? You have lost it and now want another one to love and cherish. You're arrogant and blunt, but deep down you really care. You missed out once on family because of certain stupid unmentionable people. Screw them and be my family!
#2 13.6%
Bethany - You seemed sweet and quiet in the beginning, and then I got you talking. Now my ears are ringing in my head. Don't you shut up? I refuse to put up, so you better shut up. If not, our relationship will soon come to a close.
#3 13.6%
Samarra - So your the sweet and lovavable child that needs to be protected from the big, bad world...NOT! Your facade of innocence may fool everyone, but I know your really just a spiteful and conniving genius. And if you could kiss the souls out of unsuspecting individuals, so much the better, eh? Just keep your mouth away from me and we can be good friends.
#4 10.2%
Kasalyn - Aww. Your adorable. Scared of people and a helper at heart, you're an interesting ball of contradictions. Quiet and sweet, your the kind of person we all want to protect. Of course, someone will come along eventually that will ruffle your feathers and you may wish them harm. As long as I am not that person, we should be great friends.
#5 8.5%
Bambi - Pushover extraordinaire! You won the prize, but I doubt you'll care. You're too busy being the slave of some person or another. Sorry, I want a friend, not a puppet.
#6 6.8%
Neko - If I were a judgemental person (which I am), I would sterotype you as a blonde. If you aren't, oh well. Your so much of an airhead you make MY head spin. Either you wise up, or just don't talk to me. @_@
#7 3.4%
Seika - Can you say brat? I am sure people wouldn't dare mention the term in your presence, but I know for a fact they whisper it behind your back....Uh-oh! Did you hear that? It must be those people saying all those horribly true things about you being spoiled and cruel. Time to go neatly execute their lives, hmm? You're no friend of mine, and you are WAY too sensitive. If I were to offend you, I might find myself being lynched! *Gulp!* Maybe your nice...deep, deep down.
#8 1.7%
Amarantha - So you protect the ones you love. Big deal. So do other people. But that doesn't meen you have to go torture and slaughter everyone who dares to hint at harming them. You have problems in your past, but I bet your fun to hang out with. Sassy, argumentaitve, and loyal. What more can I ask for? Well, for you not to harm everyone on site might be the first, eh?
#9 1.7%
Rhiannon - So. Um...Yeah. There isn't much to say about you. Your a follower. That's it. Your just a follower. You'll have to get some backbone before we can be friends, for your a bit to submissive for my tastes. No offense or anyhting.
#10 0.0%
Sevina - If you would look up out of your books long enough to read this, then we would be friends. Unfortunately, your so fixed on your own opinion, no one elses seems to matter. I just can't deal with that, sorry.

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