Survey Says: Top Which Legends of Ark Character are you? results, Books Survey
The top 9 Which Legends of Ark Character are you? results of 35 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Legends of Ark Character are you?.      

#1 57.1%
You are Cyrus. You're a hyper, happy-go-lucky kind of guy who can sometimes be annoying, but still a popular guy. You aren't the brightest crayon in the box, but you are a savant with the sword.
#2 17.1%
You are Jadis. You are a fierce woman who will kick anyone's butt if they get you mad. Some people might think you're a hedonist (heck, you ARE a pirate), but you're not completely heartless. You just don't like taking people's crap. You don't really seem to get along with anyone either, except for Nexus.
#3 8.6%
You are Alluna. Like Gash, you are stoic, but you don't hate yourself. You feel it's your duty in life to help others and make the world a better place. You are soft spoken and a bit shy, but everyone loves you anyway.
#4 5.7%
You are Draven. As the most feared soldier who ever lived, you are respected for your power by friends and foe alike. However, you don't enjoy killing, and you are a very nice guy who likes children and the hard working lower class. You're tough, but you're a big softy.
#5 5.7%
You are Gash. You are a sensible person with a good heart, but you just can't find it in you to love yourself. Your self-hatred, self-sacrificial traits, and apathy towards your own death make you a great soldier and friend, but you are rarely happy..except around Alluna.
#6 2.9%
You are Isaac. You're a king simply because your grandfather was. You're a selfish, cruel, greedy, horrible little bigot. You don't like anyone but Malestra, but that's only because she encourages your crimes against humanity.
#7 2.9%
You are Malestra You're manipulative, sneaky, and cruel. You use Isaac to further your own ambitions, and have no remorse whatsoever for any of the terrible things you convince him to do. You're a bitch, basically.
#8 0.0%
You are Nexus. You're a man of few words, and you're a brilliant fighter. In fact, you pretty much scare the hell out of everyone. Unfortunately, you, like Gash, have problems loving yourself. In fact, you keep your overwhelming hatred suppressed so it won't consume you. You do, however, have a soft spot for Alluna, and protect her like a big brother.
#9 0.0%
You are Nova. You are a loudmouth tomboy who often fights with Cyrus. You aren't mean, but you don't have very good manners, and you don't understand the concept of indoor voices. Oh yeah, you snore, too.

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