Entertainment Poll: What do YOU want to do? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Entertainment Poll: What do YOU want to do? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
EntertainmentEntertainment Poll: What do YOU want to do?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "What do YOU want to do?" by Joe Joe.

Choose from this list:

You would enjoy laughing out loud at the hijinx of a mime or troupe of mimes...or even becoming a mime yourself.

It looks like a ride on a rented pony or two would set your heart a-flutter.

Foosball. The game of champions. Dating back to ancient Babylonia, this table sport lends itself perfectly to your dispostion and desires.

Perhaps dressing up like a clown and making balloon animals, hitting yourself with pies, and other mindless antics are what you want.

Sit a spell, enjoy the wit and wisdom of one Homer Simpson and family for a few hours

Stretch out those thumbs and blast someones brains out in Perfect Dark, the perfect world of guns and mazes.

You my friend are ready to put on the sweat band and hit the disc for some ultimate frisbee.

Sit in a corner and watch the paint dry. I don't care if the wall hasn't been painted in 10 years. WATCH IT!

Quoth the raven, "One point twenty one jiggawatts!" Go ahead...join your friends in some movie quoting extravaganzas!

I have three words for you. Riverdance, Riverdance, Riverdance

You might enjoy getting into lenghty discussions about completely meaningless topics, most of which you know nothing about but still pretend you do. Maybe you want to get a job on public radio or something.

"Retro" fun is right up your alley. Try a bit of Ms Pac-Man or Super Ms Pac-Man and live like the Atari generation should.

Run away from home...no one likes you.

You are an adventurer. Hike the Andes! Raft the Mississippi! Buy an XFL franchise! Nothing is adreneline pumping enough to satisfy your lust for life!


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