Harry Potter Poll: Tide or Bleach - How would you survive in the Muggle world? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Harry Potter Poll: Tide or Bleach - How would you survive in the Muggle world? SelectSmart.com Free Online Polls, Opinion Surveys, Fun Poll Voting Vote
Harry PotterHarry Potter Poll: Tide or Bleach - How would you survive in the Muggle world?
Vote for your top choice from the list below. This poll is based upon the selector "Tide or Bleach - How would you survive in the Muggle world?" by Lucyfur Blue.

Choose from this list:

You are obsessed!! No one is more obsessed then you. J.K. Rowling can retire on the money you've spent on Potter merchandise. But hey, that isn't all bad. Everyone needs a purpose in life and I think you've found yours.

You're pretty much obsessed with Harry Potter, although occasionally issues like food and sleep filter into your awareness. Hey, there are worse habits in the world.

A loyal fan of HP, you know it's not real (don't you) but you still enjoy it a great deal. Relax, it's cool to have a hobby, but quit writing Oliver Wood's name on everythng you own!

Well done, you're a loyal reader who is not even tending towards obsession. Are you sure you didn't lie??

Hmm, why did you take this test? Your interest in Harry Potter is minimal at best.

Have you even read the books????


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