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Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
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The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
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Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Coal miners disappointed with Joe Manchin; want him to reconsider BBB.
By Curt_Anderson
December 21, 2021 10:59 am
Category: Politics

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New York (CNN Business)Senator Joe Manchin is facing calls from a powerful group close to his heart to reconsider his opposition to the Build Back Better Act: Coal miners.

A day after the West Virginia Democrat appeared to kill Build Back Better, America's largest coal mining union put out a statement lauding the legislation's provisions and pushing Manchin to take a do-over.

"We are disappointed that the bill will not pass," Cecil Roberts, president of the United Mine Workers of America, said in the statement on Monday. "We urge Senator Manchin to revisit his opposition to this legislation and work with his colleagues to pass something that will help keep coal miners working, and have a meaningful impact on our members, their families and their communities."

The 131-year-old UMWA called out several items that it believes are crucial to its members and communities, including extending the fee paid by coal companies to fund benefits received by victims of black lung.

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Comments on "Coal miners disappointed with Joe Manchin; want him to reconsider BBB.":

  1. by islander on December 21, 2021 12:03 pm

    [excerpt from HCR]

    "The president of the West Virginia AFL-CIO, Josh Sword, asked Manchin to get back to the bargaining table, pointing out that the Build Back Better bill would not only lower the cost of health care and child care, but also shore up the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, which provides benefits to thousands of coal miners. It also protects workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively, creates jobs for home care workers, expands care for seniors and those disabled, and invests $4 billion in coal communities “to attract manufacturing companies that will provide good-paying, union jobs.

    The reason all this matters so much is that Biden and the Democrats are trying to restructure the nation around ordinary Americans rather than the wealthy. Since 1981, when Ronald Reagan took office after telling Americans, “[i]n this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem,” the prevailing pressure on the American government has been to cut taxes and slash government regulations and investment in order to free up private capital to invest in a growing economy.

    But while those who pushed so-called supply-side economics promised it would create widespread prosperity, their system never delivered. Instead, the rate of economic growth did not increase dramatically, while, as the country cut taxes again and again, wealth moved upward. Meanwhile, as deficits and the national debt mounted, Congress cut social welfare programs and investment in infrastructure, and the country has fallen behind other nations.

    Republicans insist that investing in the country is socialism that will destroy the economy, but in fact, Congress’s investment in the economic recovery through the American Rescue Plan, passed by the Democrats in March without a single Republican vote, has created the fastest rate of economic growth the country has seen in decades. Growth in the first two quarters of the year, before the Delta variant started to spread, was over 6%. That investment has created more than 6 million jobs since January, the highest rate in history, and new unemployment claims are the lowest they’ve been in more than 50 years."*

    * Heather Cox Richardson

  2. by HatetheSwamp on December 21, 2021 1:23 pm

    Uh uh, isle.

    A Coal Miners Union is disappointed.

    Isle, you really need help with this Heather Cox Richardson obsession of yours. It's extremely likely, that when respectable polling is done, it will become clear that Manchin is the most popular politician in West Virginia BY FAR!

  3. by islander on December 21, 2021 2:13 pm


    You might want to click on the link and read it. It’ not about how Manchin is polling in West Virginia. It explains why the West Virginia AFL-CIO, which is not just “A coal mining union”, wants Manchin to reverse his “NO” with regard to the BBB.

Here are some of the reasons the union gives for their position. Perhaps we could discuss those proposals that the union thinks will be beneficial to them and you could tell us if you disagree and why they should be backing Manchin’s NO instead.

    "The president of the West Virginia AFL-CIO, Josh Sword, asked Manchin to get back to the bargaining table, pointing out that the Build Back Better bill would not only lower the cost of health care and child care, but also shore up the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, which provides benefits to thousands of coal miners. It also protects workers’ right to organize and bargain collectively, creates jobs for home care workers, expands care for seniors and those disabled, and invests $4 billion in coal communities “to attract manufacturing companies that will provide good-paying, union jobs."

    By the way, if you are interested in 19th century American political history (her specialty) and how it relates to what we are seeing today, you might want to take a look at Professor Richardson’s “Letters From An American” site. She is much more knowledgeable and interesting than the celebrity media news pundits.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on December 21, 2021 2:36 pm

    So, isle, what you're saying is that a union is in favor of Big Government.


    I'm shocked! Absolutely shocked.

    I'll repeat. When reliable and reputable polling is done, Manchin will poll as the most popular politician in West Virginia...BY FAR!!!!!

    I'll also repeat that I'm confident that the Dems will break BBB into pieces. Some of this will become law, Manchin will vote for, maybe all of, it that gets to the Senate floor, as will some GOPs.

    BBB is a monstrosity. Only a gifted President could have gotten it through with these narrow margins in Congress.

    Joe ain't that!

  5. by Donna on December 21, 2021 3:30 pm
    As usual, there wasn't a single substantive point in anything HTS posted. Anyone who gets into a debate with HTS is wasting their time.

  6. by islander on December 21, 2021 3:35 pm

    "So, isle, what you're saying is that a union is in favor of Big Government."---Hate

    Not at all.

  7. by islander on December 21, 2021 3:44 pm


    I just have a little extra free time today which is why I'm interacting with Hate. I never expect him to be able to seriously debate anything. Sometimes though, it gives you a chance to put some interesting ideas out there like some of the stuff from Heather Cox Richardson and othere, or about economics etc, and I know professor Cox really bugs Hate ! LoL

  8. by HatetheSwamp on December 22, 2021 4:57 am

    As usual, there wasn't a single substantive point in anything HTS posted. Anyone who gets into a debate with HTS is wasting their time.

    The substantive point is that BBB was a monstrosity which the CBO and the University of Pennsylvania have revealed would virtually cripple the US economy by increasing the deficit.

    It's not like pb is the only person pointing this out. There's even nothing at all original in anything I've posted here. That's your problem.

    Donna, I do think that your suggestion that what I'm saying wastes the time of a progressive who wants to debate.

    The Blue MAGAs lost this round. Period. They lost for the reasons I mentioned. And, rather than dialog, your side pouts, insults and takes your ball and goes home.

    That's reality. No debating.

  9. by Donna on December 22, 2021 5:13 am
    Oh stuff it. Almost all of your posts contain insults.

    Btw, there are opposing opinions on what you reported.

  10. by HatetheSwamp on December 22, 2021 5:53 am

    Donna. Insults. What, where?

    I will own to mocking isle for the silliness of making a deal out of Big Union promoting Big Government.

    And, of course there are opposing opinions to what I'm reporting. That's my point.

    From what I've concluded on SS over the years, our progressives only read, watch what feeds their pre-formed biases.

    I'm the only one here who reads the NYT and the WSJ and watches CNN, MSNBC and Fox. However, I'd never touch Rachel with a ten foot poll.

    And, I point out the real world, which I think may be too much for some of our progressives

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