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Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
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Legitimate polling after the verdict is not looking good for Trump
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Musical interlude
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The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
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Norm McDonald
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Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 9:02 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (6 comments) [51 views]

So... How do you think it all went?
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Daily Mail Poll: Trump Support Rises After Guilty Verdict
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Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party, files as independent
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Remember how much progressives loved Joe's State of the Union speech? His 538 approval in lower than before
President by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 7:27 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [34 views]

Politics selectors, pages, etc.
Trumpublicans were right. There were examples of voter fraud...perpetrated by Trump voters.
By Curt_Anderson
October 22, 2021 8:54 pm
Category: Politics

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(From WaPo reports)A few days after the 2020 election, a group of high-profile supporters of President Donald Trump held a news conference in Nevada to allege rampant fraud in the state. Former Nevada attorney general Adam Laxalt was there, as were conservative personality Matt Schlapp and Ric Grenell, who served in Trump’s administration in various capacities.

[They claimed dead people were voting in the election. As an example, the cited that the late Rosemarie Hartle had "voted".

The Nevada Republican Party, conservative commentator Dinesh D’Souza, Tucker Carlson and other Trump supporters harped on the Hartle case.

The widower Kirk Hartle, said he was "sickened" that somebody would use his dead wife's name to vote.] He is a registered Republican, is an executive for a conglomerate called the Ahern Family of Companies. One of those companies is Xtreme Manufacturing, which stepped in to provide space for a Trump rally outside Las Vegas in September 2020 in defiance of state rules limiting large crowds during the pandemic. The company was later fined.

On Thursday, the office of Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford announced that Kirk Hartle himself was being charged with two felony counts for submitting a ballot on behalf of his wife.

(CNN)A week after the 2020 election, Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, [a stalwart Trump supporter] announced that he was offering up to $1 million -- paid from his campaign account -- "to incentivize, encourage and reward people to come forward and report voter fraud."

Nearly a year later, Patrick, a Republican, has paid out his first reward: $25,000 to a Democrat in Pennsylvania, who reported a man for voting twice.

Eric Frank, a poll worker, received the money earlier this month for his part in reporting Ralph Holloway Thurman, a Republican who after voting once, attempted to vote a second time as his son, as first reported by the Dallas Morning News.

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Comments on "Trumpublicans were right. There were examples of voter fraud...perpetrated by Trump voters.":

  1. by islander on October 23, 2021 8:23 am

    Curt, I think by now we all know what projection means, and that any improper or perverse behavior the Trumpsters claim the Democrats engage in are in fact the very things the Trumpsters themselves are guilty of. It comes as no surprise that in the last two elections especially, it has been the Republicans who have actually engaged in voter fraud and are still attempting to do so on a grand scale.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on October 23, 2021 8:43 am

    You say projection. I say denial.
    You say the GOPers. I say the Demseez...
    But, we ain't callin the whole thing off.

    The indisputable fact of history is that today's Dems are the inheritors of the organized political corruption of Tammany Hall beginning in the 1790s and the unabashed filthy electioneering of your great Chicago Mayor Daley.

    Two things at play here. One is that the Dems are the party of cheating. T'other? America already knows the truth about 020. Nearly half of like voters are convinced that the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" swiped the election.

    You be busted!

  3. by Curt_Anderson on October 23, 2021 10:31 am
    Dishonest people accuse innocent people of the same behaviors that they exhibit. Like the man who accuses his wife of cheating because he is.

    That's why Republicans are convinced that the Democrats are cheating. As Islander said it's projection. And it's classic, dictionary definition projection at that

  4. by HatetheSwamp on October 23, 2021 12:04 pm

    Horsepucky, Curt.

    The Dems are on the wrong side of this rhetorically. As I've been noting since before the swipe was consummated in January, almost half of those of who are likely to vote...

    ... don't effin ACCUSE the smoke filled room handlers of "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" of swiping the election, we wholeheartedly are convinced of it.

  5. by islander on October 24, 2021 5:14 am

    As Hate continues to admit: ”we wholeheartedly are convinced of it” [that the election was stolen] as if his admission is something we don't already know, or that it is proof of anything other than that he and they are more than willing to believe something that is false. Most of the very same people who wholeheartedly believe the election was stolen also believed (and many still do) that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 and that he secretly had in his possession and was building weapons of mass destruction. They were also easily convinced that his ragtag army was a threat to the USA.

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