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Legitimate polling after the verdict is not looking good for Trump
Fact Check by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 2:03 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (4 comments) [69 views]

Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
Crime by Ponderer     May 31, 2024 2:45 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (13 comments) [148 views]

Musical interlude
Music by Indy!     May 31, 2024 9:34 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (5 comments) [132 views]

The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
Politics by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 3:29 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [28 views]

Norm McDonald
Comics by Indy!     May 31, 2024 8:46 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [15 views]

Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 9:02 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (6 comments) [51 views]

So... How do you think it all went?
Crime by Ponderer     May 30, 2024 5:35 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (11 comments) [111 views]

Daily Mail Poll: Trump Support Rises After Guilty Verdict
Media by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 1:10 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (1 comments) [24 views]

Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party, files as independent
Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 11:05 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [31 views]

Remember how much progressives loved Joe's State of the Union speech? His 538 approval in lower than before
President by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 7:27 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [34 views]

Politics selectors, pages, etc.
You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. That’s even true for Trump voters
By Curt_Anderson
March 7, 2024 9:01 am
Category: Politics

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Ponderer, I hope this restores some of your faith in humanity. The right wing Shasta County board of supervisors insisted that Donald Trump won in 2020, that the election was rigged, and that voting machines change the results. Now they’re being kicked out by a very conservative pocket of California.

Residents of Shasta County are on track to end the far-right control of their board of supervisors by voting out Patrick Jones and recalling Kevin Crye, according to unofficial results from the March 5 primary election.


Under the leadership of the far-right majority, the board has approved some controversial policies that put the county at odds with Sacramento. That includes mandating the counting of ballots by hand due to distrust of machine tallying. The state later targeted Shasta County by making hand-counting illegal in most elections.

The board also fired the county’s public health officer who was criticized for upholding state pandemic measures. After more than a year it hired a Redding doctor opposed to vaccine and mask mandates.

In January, the board voted to allow concealed weapons into county buildings, defying California Senate Bill 2 — currently challenged by courts — which would ban guns in sensitive locations.

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Comments on "You can’t fool all of the people all of the time. That’s even true for Trump voters":

  1. by Indy! on March 7, 2024 10:06 am

    We need to go back to hand written ballots counted by hand in public (video on internet). There's definitely shenanigans going on.

  2. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 10:16 am

    Amen, Indy!. I agree. You and I can see that because we understand that the DC political culture is ripe with dysfunction and corruption.

    Curt has not yet seen the light. Nor po. Nor isle.

    But, you, Indy?, preach the truth!

  3. by Curt_Anderson on March 7, 2024 10:34 am
    So are you creating all your artwork with a ruler, a compass, Pantone markers and Rapidograph pens? Or are you using a newfangled computer?

    In Oregon we are mailed paper ballots. We darken the ovals next to the candidates' names. After we return them (via drop-off box or mail) they are counted by optical-reading machines. In the case of very close votes the paper ballots are recounted by hand. Because there are paper copies, they can be scrutinized later for problem ballots.

  4. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 10:39 am


    How do prevent (Dems) from ballot harvesting, ballot curing and finagling with the chain of custody of ballots.

    You could never have an honest election in Pennsylvania with the Oregon system.

  5. by Curt_Anderson on March 7, 2024 10:58 am
    Voters here in Oregon, can either drop their ballot into a drop-off box (like a public post office mail box) or return it in the postage pre-paid envelope. So there is no need for anybody to "harvest", that is take somebody else's ballot to the county clerk's office.

    As for "ballot curing", that's when a voter's intentions were unclear, because they didn't fill-in the ovals properly or too lightly etc. The vote counting machines reject these votes. These problem ballots are set aside and later re-examined if need be.

    In Oregon, we sign a "privacy envelope" which holds our ballots. I once broke my wrist and had to wear a cast. My signature didn't match my signature on record, so my ballot was rejected. They sent me a letter explaining that. In that case it didn't matter as the election wasn't close. I might have been contacted by election officials had my single vote made a difference.

  6. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 11:06 am

    How do the people counting votes know that the ballot with your name on it was cast by you and not, say, a MAGA who swiped yours and used it to vote for the Despicable One!!!!!?

  7. by Curt_Anderson on March 7, 2024 11:19 am
    I linked to an Oregon voter FAQ. Here are some answers for you. For one thing, there are bipartisan monitors overseeing the process.

    ​​​​​​​​Several important processes are implemented by each Oregon county to ensure that your ballot is secret.

    Preventing fraudulent voting: We’ve never seen widespread fraud on a scale that would impact the results of an election in Oregon. Elections officials take many steps to protect the integrity of our elections. Signature verification, unique barcodes, and paper material that cannot be replicated, and other security procedures are in place across the state.
    Transparency: Voters are welcome to observe the ballot counting process, test of voting machines before elections, and signature verification, at any site in Oregon.

    Post-election review: All counties conduct hand recounts after statewide elections. These recounts are available to the public. Find out more at​.

    Ballot envelopes are designed to ensure your ballot is unreadable until it is opened and counted. Many counties use a return envelope that has a security weave printed inside, preventing information on the ballot from being visible to anyone while the envelope is in transit. Other counties provide an optional secrecy sleeve or envelope that uses​ the same type of weave. Either a return envelope with security weave, or a secrecy sleeve ensures the privacy of the ballot.

    Every county in Oregon has procedures in place to ensure that authorized election staff, working in bipartisan teams, cannot see voters’ identifying information while opening return envelopes and separating the ballots. Each county has a specific workflow in place tailored to their building, equipment, and number of ballots typically returned. All workers are trained and take oaths to uphold the integrity of the elections process and protect voter privacy.

    The ballots - which contain no voter specific identifying information – are tabulated only after they are separated from the return envelopes. Election officials verify all voters’ eligibility prior to separating the ballots from the envelopes and accurately counting them. ​

  8. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 11:31 am

    That's good. A MAGA could still steal ballots and forge your signature.

    What you have that the Philadelphia machine would not allow is the requirement that there be bipartisan teams.

    I'm certain that, in Oregon, you have a different political culture than do New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and other blue cities in purple states.

    Good for you. Be thankful. What you have wouldn't work here because of political corruption.

  9. by Ponderer on March 7, 2024 1:27 pm

    Curt, one of the only things that I take solace in out of all this is that given how Trump is and has been acting, and how the rest of the Trump Party has followed him over whatever cliff he points to for them to jump off of, I think that besides Trump losing in a landslide, congress will very likely turn a very vivid and luscious blue, along with a large amount of formerly MAGA state legislatures.

    "You could never have an honest election in Pennsylvania with the Oregon system." -Hate

    And Curt, do you have any idea why Hate might believe that voters in Pennsylvania are far more dishonest and willing to commit felonies than the entire population of Oregon...?

  10. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 2:01 pm

    Curt, baha.

    Voters in Pennsylvania are perfectly honest... as much as they are in other states. It's corrupt political machines in many large cities. New York, going back 200 years and Tammany Hall. Chicago and Mayor Vote Early and Vote Often. Philadelphia. Detroit. Y'know. They've turned creating more ballots than votes into an art.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on March 7, 2024 2:38 pm
    HtS doesn’t know or understand the history of voting in America. 200 years ago voting was done by voice vote in public. Then, for a long time, voting consisted of putting a scrap of paper into a box with the candidates name scrawled on it. It did not require a master forger to produce a few extra phony ballots.

    Over the years voting become more sophisticated with printed ballots, etc. In Oregon, our printed names with an associated unique barcode along with our signatures (which we sign), are on our return privacy envelopes, which contains our ballot.

    No voting system is perfect and immune from fraud, But the spurious votes that our cast are few and far between and not enough to change the outcome of an election. What is much more likely to happen is that honest, eligible voters are denied the right to vote by underhanded means or unnecessary obstacles.

  12. by HatetheSwamp on March 7, 2024 2:52 pm


    Tell Curt that here in Pennsylvania mail-in voting is available as an option for every registered voter. And, mail-in ballots are the same as the ballots he describes.

    A significant difference is in the counting of ballots... and the curing of ballots by political machines... and the fact that the votes are not counted by the bipartisan teams Oregon requires... and sloppiness with ballot chain of custody.

    Here there is significant opportunity for abuse and fraud, by design... and, there is abuse and fraud... done in ways that can't be tracked.

    Oh, and, po, tell Curt that the reason that pb agrees with you that Joe'll win is that here, in Pennsylvania especially, the Dems will game the system as much ad they need to.

  13. by Ponderer on March 7, 2024 3:36 pm

    HtS doesn’t know or understand the history of voting in America."

    He doesn't know or understand the history of a lot of things, Curt.

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