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Okay. So let me get this straight... The trial was a TRAVESTY?
Crime by Ponderer     May 31, 2024 2:45 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (13 comments) [142 views]

Legitimate polling after the verdict is not looking good for Trump
Fact Check by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 2:03 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (3 comments) [66 views]

Musical interlude
Music by Indy!     May 31, 2024 9:34 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (5 comments) [131 views]

The facts and quotes in this article would make a good campaign ad exposing Trump's cruelty and hypocrisy.
Politics by Curt_Anderson     June 1, 2024 3:29 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [28 views]

Norm McDonald
Comics by Indy!     May 31, 2024 8:46 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: (0 comments) [14 views]

Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 9:02 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (6 comments) [51 views]

So... How do you think it all went?
Crime by Ponderer     May 30, 2024 5:35 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (11 comments) [111 views]

Daily Mail Poll: Trump Support Rises After Guilty Verdict
Media by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 1:10 pm (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: Indy! (1 comments) [24 views]

Joe Manchin leaves the Democratic Party, files as independent
Politics by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 11:05 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [31 views]

Remember how much progressives loved Joe's State of the Union speech? His 538 approval in lower than before
President by HatetheSwamp     May 31, 2024 7:27 am (Rating: 0.0) Last comment by: HatetheSwamp (4 comments) [34 views]

Theatre selectors, pages, etc.
The absolute hypocrisy of the left
By oldedude
January 26, 2024 5:49 am
Category: Theatre

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So. On the left coast. Woman is smoking weed with her boyfriend. Apparently boyfriend wanted her to take another hit off the bong. For that, she stabbed him 108 times. She is convicted in a court of law. Judge refuses to take the jury's recommendation (which they are allowed to do).

Now remember, an old 66-year-old man shot a woman. At night. On his property that is off a rural road with a long, winding driveway. He was convicted of second degree murder, which carries a possible 25 year prison term. To a 66-year old, that's life. Again, nothing illegal (other than the homicide) in this case. And I'm not arguing the results. According to NY law, this doesn't seem out of character.

Curt's response was typical for curt. Fuck this guy and throw him in jail for the rest of his life. But curt's quote is better than my synopsis. Good. I have no sympathy for this paranoid gun nut (aren't they all?). The Second Amendment is not a license to kill. I am glad the jury didn't buy his claim that he tripped over nails sticking up from the porch, lost his balance, the shotgun struck the deck which accidentally caused his gun to fire killing Gillis. If he is that unsteady on his feet, he shouldn't be holding a loaded gun.

Since that's the case, and murder is murder is murder... But I'll bet that he'll squirm out of this because it's weed. and it's "just" her boyfriend. And she "didn't have any control." But if that's true then why is it legal?

California audiologist who stabbed boyfriend 108 times in ‘cannabis-induced psychosis’ gets a slap on the wrist

The California woman who was convicted of killing her boyfriend by stabbing him 108 times during a “cannabis-induced psychosis” received a slap on the wrist Tuesday.

Bryn Spejcher, 33, was sentenced to two years’ probation and was ordered to perform 100 hours of community service after being found guilty of killing her new boyfriend, Chad O’Melia, according to the Ventura County Star.

Ventura County Superior Court Judge David Worley ruled that Spejcher “had no control over her actions” when she entered into a psychotic episode and stabbed O’Melia, 26, repeatedly in his Thousand Oaks apartment on May 28, 2018.

So what if she had been smoking weed and had a gun? Is the rage accepted then? Or if she was driving drunk and ran over someone? Or what about getting high and driving over a parade that you don't agree with?

Here's what's strange. She was out of control by the weed induced rage therefore she didn't have the ability to control her actions. YET. police arrived and she tried to commit suicide, showing remorse knowing the act was wrongful.

Can't ride two horses with one boney ass!

And "indys" opine means nothing as usual.

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Comments on "The absolute hypocrisy of the left":

  1. by HatetheSwamp on January 26, 2024 6:44 am


  2. by Ponderer on January 26, 2024 6:59 am

    "So. On the left coast. Woman is smoking weed with her boyfriend. Apparently boyfriend wanted her to take another hit off the bong. For that, she stabbed him 108 times." -olde dude

    Sounds like she really could have used another hit off that bong.

    But thank you for the stupidest, most non sequitur and irrelevant excuse for an equitable comparison I have seen any conservative attempt in a very long time. I think it even deserves a trophy...

  3. by oldedude on January 26, 2024 8:09 am
    So you're saying that murdering someone with a knife isn't really murder, right? So the infants beheaded in Gaza weren't "really" murdered. But shooting innocent civilians IS murder. But only when the Israelis do it. Got it. That's perfectly clear!

  4. by Curt_Anderson on January 26, 2024 9:10 am
    Where did you get the crazy idea that I approve or support the decision in that bong and knives murder case?

    That 33-year-old woman should’ve been charged with murder and face the same penalty as anybody Else who stabs somebody 103 times. Having some personal experience with marijuana, I’ve never known it to be a drug that causes a violent psychotic reaction so I don’t even buy the premise of the defense. But even if it were true, she knowingly used marijuana. It’s similar to a drunk driver, who knowingly consumed alcohol before killing some pedestrians. It was their fault when they started to drink, knowing they would be behind the wheel.

    Within the last week, I wrote this: Indy, I know it's PC to say it, but drug abuse is not an "illness". That euphemism minimizes actual illnesses.

    Btw, the judge in the case, David R. Worley, a judge for the Superior Court of Ventura County in California. He was appointed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in May 2008.

  5. by HatetheSwamp on January 26, 2024 9:19 am

    Btw, the judge in the case, David R. Worley, a judge for the Superior Court of Ventura County in California. He was appointed by Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in May 2008.

    Thanks, Curt. My gut told me that this is the GOPs fault. I just couldn't cipher it out.

    Face it. You're the SS equivalent of Old Faithful.

  6. by oldedude on January 26, 2024 10:05 am
    curt- it was a 50/50 chance. I figured with you complete and utter hatred of all guns, gun owners, and anyone that whispers guns that you've been very clear about you would make up some stupid reason that justified the judge's sentencing. Much like po did.

    Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything different from the californicators, regardless of the party. This is also a first. It has been a standard in cases that regardless of the BAC or drug use, you're still responsible.

    The fact you've never "experienced" any psychosis is debatable for another time. And there's a lot we don't know that wasn't said in any of the stories. Was there another drug in her system?

    I'm not going to jump on a Homer bandwagon here, and from about 2021, there have been articles from the medical profession regarding this. I hadn't heard of any, so when I was looking for support in her case, I came across a few of these. I knew shrinks that wouldn't take patients with a weed card or who smoked weed because they were like a alcoholic still drinking. And there were a lot of individuals that wrote several papers, but nothing with very much juice to it. Only since 2020 has there been actual studies and bonified research on it. Here's a few I looked up just for grins.

    Cannabis may increase the risk of schizophrenia, particularly in people with a genetic predisposition for developing schizophrenia. (2022)

    Is marijuana linked to psychosis, schizophrenia? It's contentious, but doctors, feds say yes (2020)

    Is there a link between marijuana use and psychiatric disorders?

    High-potency cannabis linked to increased risk of psychosis and addiction, study suggests

    The last thing is that I've learned that "I've never seen that" means exactly that. Other than what you have personally experienced in your life may be very different to anyone else's experience. And I wouldn't had given this another look except the defense had to show support for her. This would include tests, research, etc.

    And I don't think this is a defense either.

  7. by Indy! on January 26, 2024 10:25 am

    First off - the woman should be locked up for second degree murder.

    Secondly - “cannabis-induced psychosis” 😂 😂 😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    Third - OD? That's just some nonsense the woman's lawyer invented to use as a defense at her trial. There's no such thing.

    Fourth: That's the kind of nonsense that makes people like Curt - people with absolutely no real experience with drugs - believe drug addiction is not a form of mental illness... that's it's merely a "PC thing to say" even though there is plenty of science to back it up.

  8. by oldedude on January 26, 2024 11:10 am
    I wouldn't have expected anything less from you. After a life of pushing drugs, being involved in the cartels, and now turning to human trafficking. You are the "all-knowing" about the drug trade on this site. I got it. And you don't know what a speedster or tweaker are. That tells me volumes about your knowledge.

    My point to curt was that this is also new to me. So I looked up some of the studies that have been done. You should read them also. And the interesting thing is they are only studying the affects of THC. Not the poly-drug issues with street weed.

    I appreciate how curt made his case and have no reason to talk down to him. Apparently in this case, they showed the judge enough "evidence" he was convinced. I personally don't think anything is enough to warrant the reversal, and just maybe, he's as closed off as you are about this. I dunno. Maybe he believes the earth is flat also.

  9. by Ponderer on January 26, 2024 2:49 pm

    "So you're saying that murdering someone with a knife isn't really murder, right? So the infants beheaded in Gaza weren't "really" murdered. But shooting innocent civilians IS murder. But only when the Israelis do it. Got it. That's perfectly clear!" -olde dude

    The great thing about having a discussion with olde dude is that he fills in all your lines for you. You don't even have to say anything before he goes off on whatever tangent he has a deranged mind to.

  10. by oldedude on January 26, 2024 3:36 pm
    I just accept that whatever I say, you'll go into an unhinged rant anyway. And you're immensely easy to predict.

    I looked up the state laws in both CA and NY just to make sure. It doesn't say "how" someone is murdered as a qualifier for murder. So the two are in fact equitable.

    The major difference is the woman in NY was killed by 1 shot (well, several bb's, but one pull of the trigger. The knife was 108 stab wounds. That to me, shows intent. Other than that, it's the same crime. It just seems the judge bought off on an affirmative defense and the jury didn't.

    I you think it's different, I'm open to an actual discussion about it.

  11. by Ponderer on January 26, 2024 4:59 pm

    Well you're one up on me there, od.

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