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Collaborationists DeSantis and Trump parrot Putin's talking points.
By Curt_Anderson
May 28, 2023 11:13 am
Category: Politics

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Neither DeSantis or Trump can bring themselves to condemn Russia's attack and occupation of Ukraine. They use Kremlin talking points which makes a false equivalency between Russia and Ukraine. If either of these guys is the GOP presidential nominee, you can count on Russia making an all out effort to help their campaign. A Trump or DeSantis victory is the single most important thing Russia can do to achieve their goal of conquering Ukraine.

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Comments on "Collaborationists DeSantis and Trump parrot Putin's talking points.":

  1. by oldedude on May 28, 2023 12:17 pm
    I think your "explanation" is pretty far from the truth. Many in the right see this as just another quagmire like Vietnam was. And there's not a whole lot of disagreement within the conservative camp. Conservatives are wondering what happened to the anti-war sheeple. The ones that hate Vietnam (but not at the beginning), Afghanistan (mostly because it was a GOP prez that sent them), Iraq (because they were lied to about WMD). Nobody gave two hoots about Korea, Panama, and several other places in the banana wars. So they're wondering "why now?" except to suck up to pedojoe.

    Why don't they mention it? No one in their voting bloc cares about it.

  2. by Curt_Anderson on May 28, 2023 1:03 pm
    There are big and obvious differences between the wars in Ukraine and Vietnam. We are not drafting and sending troops to Ukraine. We lost the War in Vietnam. Other than our casualties and humiliation, it hasn't hurt America's national interests one iota. In 2022, total US trade in goods with Vietnam was estimated to be worth USD 138 billion, with imports from Vietnam accounting for USD 127.5 billion and exports to Vietnam amounting to USD 11.3 billion.

    Many, perhaps most, of the wars we have been involved in cannot be called "good wars". Our involvement in the Middle East has been a waste of American lives and treasure.

    Some of our wars were justifiable. It is good to fight against slavery. It is good to fight against Nazis. Ukraine's self-defense and fight against Russia is like the Allies' self-defense and fight against the Axis powers. Our support of Ukraine is a likewise justified fight against authoritarianism and war criminals.

  3. by oldedude on May 28, 2023 1:37 pm
    There are big and obvious differences between the wars in Ukraine and Vietnam. We are not drafting and sending troops to Ukraine. We lost the War in Vietnam. Other than our casualties and humiliation, it hasn't hurt America's national interests one iota. In 2022, total US trade in goods with Vietnam was estimated to be worth USD 138 billion, with imports from Vietnam accounting for USD 127.5 billion and exports to Vietnam amounting to USD 11.3 billion.

    Their view is 1. We will lose this war also. we don't have the military infrastructure to fight a two-front war. The military has been decimated by pedojoe by being so woke. They are literally giving up time to train on their jobs to learn how to be woke. This is going to kill people. The major part of the corporate knowledge got out because of his bullshit. This is shredding the Special Operations Command.

    We'll spend much more because we'll be dealing with chemical weapons along with Russia per se (and don't forget this will also be China's and Iran's war, along with DPRK). China is goading us into this war because they'll step in and take Taiwan. Japan is next, along with ROK. We can't stop that if we're fighting in Ukraine. We get taken because the "not so paranoids" wouldn't listen that China can take us from within.

    Right now, the Navy has a horrible suicide rate (a bad place to be #1). Morale is less than zero in all the services, save "space command" which has generally been woke since day one.

    If you want a war fought, you should have thought about this before you wanted wokism in our every shred of life. Our major aircraft (F16, C130, C17), our tanks, and our Special Operators are out of date. Some of the aircraft have been around since Vietnam. Even the "newest" equipment that is common in the field is 30-50 years old.

    We're going in to WWII with horses and flintlocks. They're coming in with brand new equipment and well-trained militaries (China/ DPRK). China will allow Russia take all the hits just to keep our eyes on that.

  4. by Donna on May 28, 2023 2:54 pm

    "The military has been decimated by pedojoe by being so woke. They are literally giving up time to train on their jobs to learn how to be woke." 

    What do you mean by that?

  5. by HatetheSwamp on May 28, 2023 3:35 pm

    Y'nes probably recall how strong my support of Ukraine was from the beginning. I'm losing my conviction because what "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" is doing with Ukraine seems to be to guarantee that Ukraine will lose...slowly.

    At this rate, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will go on for years...if we send $50-100 billion to Ukraine each year. We are waaaaaaaaaay behind on supplying Taiwan with military it's already paid for.

    Putin is running rings around Clouseau and, before we know it, 100,000 Ukrainians will be dead, we'll have wasted a $Trillion for nuthin and Russia will own Ukraine.

  6. by Curt_Anderson on May 28, 2023 3:39 pm
    OD probably means that it takes so much time to teach military personnel not to discriminate against gay, trans, female and minority soldiers, sailors, and other fellow comrades that they have less time to learn how to kill the enemy.

  7. by Curt_Anderson on May 28, 2023 3:45 pm
    "At this rate, the Russia-Ukraine conflict will go on for years...if we send $50-100 billion to Ukraine each year." ---HtS

    The U.S. spent more than $849 billion on the war in Afghanistan and accomplished nothing. And we will be paying medical bills of our casualties for decades to come. Yet HtS and others of his stripe bemoan our departure from that benighted country. Go figure.

  8. by HatetheSwamp on May 28, 2023 4:00 pm

    So, am I getting this right?, you wanna blow a trillion on Ukraine and turn it into Afghanistan 2.0? Makes sense.

  9. by Curt_Anderson on May 28, 2023 4:09 pm
    Nope, you have it wrong. Our involvement in Ukraine is nothing like our involvement in Afghanistan. For starters we are not sending troops to Ukraine. Americans are not dying there at the government's behest.

    Like it or not, when we spend billions on weapons to send to Ukraine, that's billions that goes to US weapon makers and billions for US jobs. But the main thing is we are fighting against cruel authoritarianism and fighting for democracy.

  10. by Donna on May 28, 2023 4:33 pm

    I predicted correctly a while back that it was only a matter of time before Hts turned against aid for Ukraine. od seems to be wavering.

  11. by Curt_Anderson on May 28, 2023 4:50 pm
    “I predicted correctly a while back that it was only a matter of time before Hts turned against aid for Ukraine. od seems to be wavering.” —Donna

    Trump and DeSantis reached the same conclusion about their base of which OD and HtS are representative.

  12. by oldedude on May 28, 2023 5:17 pm
    Donna-""The military has been decimated by pedojoe by being so woke. They are literally giving up time to train on their jobs to learn how to be woke."

    What do you mean by that?"

    Meaning this is three weeks (10 hour days+ 6 hour Saturdays) of training they are taking people off their normal jobs of learning the skills they need to keep themselves alive.

    Like EOD folks. Or Air Traffic Controllers, or the operators, that usually have a 60 hour week in garrison (meaning they're training for the next mission). 7am PT 1130 SSS, 1200 lunch, 1230 skill training (things like shooting so you don't kill the guy next to you in livefire), studying target photos and maps, doing skill testing (everyone must test either quarterly to annually on their skillsets.

    Already, the Reserve units have ZERO training time to do their jobs. If they actually do the training they're supposed to (before wokeism training), They literally must work a MUTA 5 (In a noon on Friday, early sat and sun) 12 months a year in the classroom learning how to be nice to people. NOT how to handle EPWs, or women with bombs, or kids trying to kill you, or two buttheads charging your position in a motorcycle with a backpack and how to make those decisions without going to prison because that's what this "president" will do to you (just like when he was VP and the "prez" put several people in prison for a split second decision shoot or don't shoot.

  13. by oldedude on May 28, 2023 5:30 pm
    For starters we are not sending troops to Ukraine.

    OD probably means that it takes so much time to teach military personnel not to discriminate against gay, trans, female and minority soldiers, sailors, and other fellow comrades that they have less time to learn how to kill the enemy.
    Said the "delicate" "man"

    Like it or not, when we spend billions on weapons to send to Ukraine, that's billions that goes to US weapon makers and billions for US jobs. But the main thing is we are fighting against cruel authoritarianism and fighting for democracy.

    As we were in Vietnam, Korea, WWII, Panama, etcetcetcetc. All except your war of Northern aggression.

    Donna-I predicted correctly a while back that it was only a matter of time before Hts turned against aid for Ukraine. od seems to be wavering.
    I am against both sides of this issue. Both have to do with pedojoe.

    I just watch how pedojoe fucked up Afghanistan (which was always a shtshow, but he made the end far worse than what it should have been). It took American CIVILIANS to rescue the people pedojoe said he would get out. AND THEN, as Curt said, (correct me if I'm wrong) we STILL left 250,000 in country to be murdered and tortured. This is not going to end up better. I have always agreed with how it's been done SO FAR, but I have zero hope at all that we stay away. We tried in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and staying away were epic failures. This is a stoopid, stoopid man, with worse handlers.

  14. by Donna on May 28, 2023 7:35 pm

    So are you opposed to women and transgender people being in the military?

  15. by oldedude on May 28, 2023 10:14 pm
    No. What I opposed to is those sworn to protect those beside them and not being trained to do that. I've seen both sides. My egress is dictated by the unit. It's all about the job. When people are "supposed" to be willing to give their own lives for something bigger, that's what I expect. Knowing what that entails is NOTHING to what you imagine. In these cases, we don't worry about that. It's immaterial. We care about the US fukking human being next to us. What do you call them? I don't give a fuck. Would I cover them with my body to keep them from dying? yes. Why do I need two weeks of fucking indoctrination to do that?

    I think you're thinking of this cheaply. well I didn't give an ice cream to so and so;.....
    This is not. Would I blanket my body over this USP to protect them? Yes. I have and I would.

    So honestly, get off my fucking case about this. I have pieces of bombs burned and embedded in my back. What can you say about protecting others? Or are you projecting yourself? Just wondering.

  16. by HatetheSwamp on May 29, 2023 5:46 am

    "I predicted correctly a while back that it was only a matter of time before Hts turned against aid for Ukraine. od seems to be wavering." Donna

    I think that this illustrates the difference between being woke/progressive and libertarian/GOP in 023. You can't stay on our side for long unless you are a FREETHINKER.

    What pb's wavering on ain't Ukraine. It's the way that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap's" string pullers are running the war. It's cruel to the people of Ukraine and to Taiwan and to Americans to simply allow Ukraine to lose...slowly. That's what's happening now.

    On our side, we don't follow blindly. We don't walk in lockstep.

    At this point, pb'll continue to stand with the Ukraine policy and pray to high heaven that "that feckless dementia-ridden piece of crap" ain't reelected.

  17. by Donna on May 29, 2023 6:29 am

    I was just asking, od. No reason to get defensive.

  18. by HatetheSwamp on May 29, 2023 6:48 am

    Defensive?, no. You were doing an unwarranted nananananana. That's all.

  19. by oldedude on May 29, 2023 7:10 am
    Donna- My view is pretty much in line with Lead. Is the mission good? it's okay, except the only solid countries we have following us are Poland and Germany(maybesorta). This feels like Vietnam all over again. AND pedojoe is leading the pack. I don't trust him (well his handlers) to do anything that isn't woke and stupid.

  20. by HatetheSwamp on May 29, 2023 8:45 am


    I agree. If Clouseau, or another Dem, is elected in 024, Ukraine will become another Vietnam type quagmire with hundreds of thousands dead and, in this case, a $trillion wasted.

    I remember isle opining that the Former Truck Driver is doing a brilliant job with Ukraine. Many will continue enthusiastically to follow along in this disaster.

  21. by oldedude on May 29, 2023 9:53 am
    Concur. I'm just really worried. I don't think many people understand the alliance between the countries that hate us and want our fertile soil and weather, along with our technology, infrastructure, and just us as a prize. These include Turkey, France (always, as usual, on every fence in the world), Nicaragua, Colombia (well, AND Columbia), most of the countries in south America, most of the countries in Asia (inclusive of east, central, and western), Middle East (minus the OPEC gulf states, although that's tenuous at best right now), Africa. They're all helping China (the leader in this), Iran, DPRK, and Russia as a figurehead.

    Have a good Memorial Day. And remember, "It's NOT National BBQ Day!"

    My first bracelet was Maj Richard Smith Jr. Air Force 105F pilot. Lost in DRV (Hanoi) was returned in 1973 in a prisoner swap. All indicators is that he's still alive.

  22. by Curt_Anderson on May 29, 2023 10:51 am
    “I'm just really worried. I don't think many people understand the alliance between the countries that hate us and want our fertile soil and weather, along with our technology, infrastructure, and just us as a prize.”

    Not to mention they want our precious bodily fluids.

  23. by oldedude on May 29, 2023 6:00 pm
    Again, you're too naive to have this site. It makes you look very small minded.

    So I guess that's not a bad thing. and it is true. So you're the epitome of "delicate" "man."

    A buddy of mine and I were talking about y'all today at the range. The funniest thing was the women next to us joined in the conversation. They agree with us and one said the only women delicate men could get would be other gay guys, and they had no respect for women who had delicate men unless they were just using them. All in all, it was pretty funny and a great time.

  24. by Curt_Anderson on May 29, 2023 8:29 pm
    “So you're the epitome of "delicate" "man." A buddy of mine and I were talking about y'all today at the range.” —OD

    Does your friend ever say, Olde Dude, you keep talking about this guy you say is delicate that you know from online named Curt . It’s starting to seem sorta…you know…um…gay. You ain’t gone homosexual have you? Not there is anything wrong with that!

  25. by oldedude on May 29, 2023 9:09 pm
    Not at all. First, these are different folks. The women I don't know at all. The friend is in FL. He didn't follow me from CO. Just a good guy that we shoot either as just us, or with our spouses. You weren't mentioned either by name or anything else.

    There are many people that match this description. My stepson and his friends are some of those. These are people that you wouldn't trust at all (although my stepson I do with some things like keys to the truck, the house, etc).

    This was a general conversation that started about shooting, and just kinda evolved. He's a vet as was one of the women. Delicate men are a common subject with veterans. We see it a lot. Mostly with stuff like "I woulda joined but... " stuff. You've never done that (that's a really respectable trait about you). You've been pretty constant about your feelings about the military. Kinda like an old school hippie.

    I will always stand by your incredible naivety about politics and US law in general, knowledge of events or issues, and understanding global events. I don't see that ever diminishing. Not that I would expect you to agree with me, but to throw out something stupid gets you nowhere. If you knew something about the subject, you could counter with that but you won't.

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