Survey Says: Top fridaythe13th results, Horror Survey
The top 20 fridaythe13th results of 161 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for fridaythe13th .      

#1 25.5%
dead meat
#2 3.7%
#3 3.7%
#4 3.7%
#5 3.7%
#6 3.7%
#7 3.7%
#8 3.7%
#9 3.7%
#10 3.7%
#11 3.7%
#12 3.7%
#13 3.7%
#14 3.7%
#15 3.7%
#16 2.5%
can put up a good fight
#17 1.2%
will never servive
#18 0.0%
can fight but will die
#19 0.0%
jason dies
#20 0.0%
no way

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