Survey Says: Top What Sort of Mythical Being are you? results, Mythology Survey
The top 5 What Sort of Mythical Being are you? results of 1088 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Sort of Mythical Being are you?.      

#1 42.1%
Dark Angel- You are not good, yet not evil either. You walk the line between the two, but you are still misunderstood by everyone around you. Those who bother to get to know you though, you would protect with your very life.
#2 38.0%
Angel- Beings of light, angels are pure and innocent in every way. They strive to help those in need if they can, and would willingly sacrifice their lives for those that matter to them . . . as well as the ones that don't.
#3 11.5%
Vampire- Silent, deadly creatures of the night, vampires are cold and emotionless, though they do not do anything without first finding a good reason for doing it.
#4 4.5%
Werewolf- Loners at heart, werewolves are drifters, never staying in one place for longer than they have to.
#5 4.0%
Demons- Ruthless and sadistic, demons kill without a second thought. They are easily angered and live for revenge. Bloodthirsty monsters, demons. Incarnations of the purest form of evil.

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