Survey Says: Top Tattoos and Peircings results, Weird Survey
The top 12 Tattoos and Peircings results of 55 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Tattoos and Peircings.      

#1 36.4%
small femme tattoo, butterflies or fairys
#2 18.2%
if I were you I would just get my tongue peirced
#3 16.4%
you would probally look good with your cheek peirced
#4 12.7%
lip peircing
#5 9.1%
black ink tattoo
#6 5.5%
small black ink tattoo, maybe some kind of symbol
#7 1.8%
get a larger color tattoo like maybe a monkey!
#8 0.0%
colorful tattoo
#9 0.0%
get your clit peirced
#10 0.0%
get your dick peirced
#11 0.0%
septum peircing
#12 0.0%
you need lots of tattoos and peircings

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