Survey Says: Top Who Are You In Harry Potter Land? results, Harry Potter Survey
Harry Potter
The top 10 Who Are You In Harry Potter Land? results of 2166 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Who Are You In Harry Potter Land?.      

#1 32.3%
Hermione Granger-You are very smart and clever. You love school, books, cats, and of course, you are very responsible and are a perfectionest.
#2 22.8%
Ginny Weasley-You are shy, but you have the ability to come out of your shell when needed.
#3 18.3%
Ron Weasley-You are friendly, funny, and kind, but tend to be a little obnoxius and you defenitley have a temper. Be careful your temper stays under control!
#4 8.2%
Harry Potter-You are brave, courageous, and a great friend. You can tend to be indignant.
#5 6.7%
Luna Lovegood-You are a bit weird on the surface, but once people get to know you, they see how deep and very thoughtful you can be.
#6 5.3%
Tonks-You are very unique and wild. Your styles change with the wind! you don't care about what others think of you-you go!
#7 2.8%
Cho Chang-You are athletic and sporty, but you can tend to be weepy.
#8 1.5%
Tom Riddle/Voldemort-You are cruel, heartless, evil...I could go on. You will do anything to get what you want.
#9 1.2%
Draco Malfoy-You are rich, priviledged, arrogant and concieted. You think the world revolves around you!
#10 0.8%
Neville Longbottom-You are teased a lot and somewhat wimpy. You can be brave sometimes, but most of the time your fright damages your ability to do things. Don't let that happen!

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