Survey Says: Top Which Tales and Stories of the Past by Perrault describes you the best? results, Books Survey
The top 9 Which Tales and Stories of the Past by Perrault describes you the best? results of 79 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Tales and Stories of the Past by Perrault describes you the best?.      

#1 29.1%
Riding Red hood (Le Petit Chaperon Rouge) - A little girl is sent by her mother into the woods to give her grandmother some gifts. She must not leave the path for there is a wolf that will eat her. He ends up eating, taking the grandma's place and swallowing the little girl. This is a tale about a mother condemning her child to death for she is a sexual threat to her.
#2 21.5%
Bluebeard (Barbe Bleue) - A girl agrees to marry a blue-bearded man who is known to have lost six wives. Everything is okay until he leaves her in his mansion with an only order : not enter a cupboard that only a little golden key opens. Of course, she enters it and sees six bloody female bodies. She drops the key that is stained with blood. Her husband comes home and gives her a little time to get ready to die. She sends for her brothers. Her sister watches the road. Finally their brothers arrive and kills the husband. making mistakes to learn but being forgiven and to become an adult.
#3 15.2%
Cinderella (Cendrillon) - A little orphan is treated as a servant by her stepmother and her stepsisters. Thanks to her Fairy Godmother, she goes to three balls where the prince falls in love with her. She loses a fur shoe that enables the prince to discover her beneath her rags. This is a tale about being recognized as an individual being and therefore becoming an adult by defeating adults' power and sexual oppression (the stepmother).
#4 12.7%
Donkeyskin (Peau d'Ane) - A king wants to marry his daughter who flees away with a donkeyskin for disguise thanks to her Fairy Godmother. She becomes a farm girl, but the prince sees her as she wears a former princess dress. He orders she bakes him a cake. Inside it, she puts her ring. Thanks to it, the prince finds her and marry her. This is a tale about escaping a wrongly applied sexual force and becoming an adult after being humiliated and then recognized.
#5 8.9%
Puss in Boots (Le Chat Botte') - A father dies. His three sons divide the inheritance : the last one gets the old cat. But it is a magic cat who will help him to get rich and marry the king's daughter thanks to his cleverness. This is a tale about learning to use the Freudian ''it'' (the magic cat) to become a man.
#6 6.3%
Hop o' My Thumb (Le Petit Poucet) A little boy and his six brothers are lost in the woods by their parents. The smallest one, Poucet, drops stones on the way to home not to be lost, but on the second time, he can only gather some bread crusts that are eaten by birds. He leads his brothers through the forest and defeats an ogre. This is a tale about becoming an adult even if parents are not here by winning against more powerful characters.
#7 3.8%
Diamonds and Toads (Les Fe'es) - A little orphan is treated as a servant by her stepmother and her stepsister. One day she goes to the fountain where an old woman ask her to give her some water. She does, and the old woman becomes a fairy who give her a magic gift : when she will speak, roses, pearls and diamonds will fall from her mouth. When she discovers it, the stepmother sends her daughter to the fountain, but she is a rude girl and the fairy condemns her to spit toads and snakes when she speaks. The stepmother throws the orphan in the forest where she meets a prince who marries her. This is a tale about defeating adults' power and sexual oppression (the stepmother) to become an adult.
#8 1.3%
Ricky of the Tuft (Riquet a' la Houpe) - A princess is condemned to be beautiful but stupid, yet she can give beauty to the man she loves. She suffers from it and flees into the woods where she finds a very smart but ugly prince, Riquet. He too is condemned : he can give intelligence to the woman he loves. He falls in love with her, she becomes smart and he makes her promise to marry him. She refuses but accepts his gift. Later he finds her again and she agrees to marry him. He becomes handsome and they get married. This is a tale about finding in the other(s) what you lack and become complete.
#9 1.3%
Sleeping Beauty (La Belle au Bois Dormant) - A princess is set to a 100-year sleep by a vexed fairy. After a century, a prince comes who wakes her up by his kiss. She, then, is confronted to her mother-in-law who eats both her children and accuses her. At the end, the ogress is killed by her son. This is a tale about getting out of childhood to come to grip with the real world, and then to defeat an old and more powerful sexual force (the mother-in-law) to become at least a true adult.

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