Survey Says: Top Which Color Yoshi Are You? results, Personality Survey
The top 12 Which Color Yoshi Are You? results of 369 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Color Yoshi Are You?.      

#1 26.0%
Blue Yoshi You're the runner-up!
#2 14.9%
Light Blue Yoshi You are the daydreamer.
#3 14.4%
Brown Yoshi You are little known.
#4 13.0%
Rainbow Yoshi You are the cool one!
#5 9.8%
Orange Yoshi You're the best! Why does green get all the fun?
#6 8.4%
Green Yoshi You are the leader!
#7 7.6%
Red Yoshi You're a big lover of cute things.
#8 3.5%
Black Yoshi You are not the peaceful one.
#9 2.4%
White Yoshi You are timid and little known.
#10 0.0%
Pink Yoshi You are a pretty girl yoshi.
#11 0.0%
Purple Yoshi You like pretty things.
#12 0.0%
Yellow Yoshi You are very sunny.

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