Survey Says: Top The Major Arcana Selector results, Weird Survey
The top 22 The Major Arcana Selector results of 841 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for The Major Arcana Selector.      

#1 19.5%
XXI - The World
#2 11.9%
III - The Empress
#3 11.2%
XIV - Temperance
#4 10.5%
XI - Justice
#5 6.2%
0 - The Fool
#6 6.2%
IX - The Hermit
#7 6.1%
XV - Pan
#8 3.6%
VII - The Chariot
#9 3.4%
I - The Magician
#10 3.3%
VI - The Lovers
#11 3.2%
XVIII - The Moon
#12 2.9%
XIII - Death
#13 2.6%
V - The High Priest
#14 2.3%
XII -The Hanged Man
#15 1.9%
IV - The Emperor
#16 1.4%
XX - Judgement
#17 1.0%
VIII - Strength
#18 0.7%
II - The High Priestess
#19 0.7%
XIX - The Sun
#20 0.7%
XVI - The Tower
#21 0.5%
X - The Wheel Of Fortune
#22 0.4%
XVII - The Star

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