Survey Says: Top What would your quirk be in MHA? results, Anime Survey
The top 17 What would your quirk be in MHA? results of 21479 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What would your quirk be in MHA? .      

#1 19.1%
Extremely skilled with weapons
#2 12.3%
Animal shapeshifting
#3 11.5%
Silent footsteps
#4 10.3%
Freezing time
#5 7.9%
Telekinesis but only with pebbles
#6 6.0%
Ability to possess others
#7 5.4%
Weather prediction
#8 4.0%
Breathing underwater
#9 3.8%
#10 3.6%
Talking to the dead
#11 3.6%
Weather control
#12 3.3%
Controlling any technology
#13 3.2%
Lava powers
#14 2.6%
#15 1.8%
Making small objects appear
#16 0.9%
Time travel
#17 0.9%

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