Survey Says: Top cheese/love style results, Humor Survey
The top 7 cheese/love style results of 47 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for cheese/love style.      

#1 51.1%
Monteray Jack- You take some getting to know, but once you've got trust, you're romantic, and will stick with it.
#2 25.5%
Chevere'- You're romanitc. You know what you want, and won't settle for less for long.
#3 8.5%
Cheddar- you like familiarity in love, and stick to what you've got.
#4 4.3%
Fetta- You like to have your pick, and you only pick the best. You're choosey, and find a physical relationship to be very important.
#5 4.3%
Gorgonzola- You take your time finding love, and love takes its time finding you, but very few who start with you, find you easy to stray from.
#6 4.3%
Mozzerella- You take a little bit of warming up to, but you're loved by many, and when inspired, romance esues.
#7 2.1%
Munster- You're a tad shy, and may not know the most about romance, but you do know how to keep your relationship fun.

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