Survey Says: Top WildC.A.T.s Vol. 1 and Vol.2 Selector results, Comics Survey
The top 15 WildC.A.T.s Vol. 1 and Vol.2 Selector results of 318 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for WildC.A.T.s Vol. 1 and Vol.2 Selector.      

#1 19.8%
Maul- Immensely powerful, physically and mentally. You're the only Nobel Prize-winning scientist able to transform into a 10-foot-tall giant.
#2 13.2%
Grifter- The team's gun-toting wildcard. You have a knack for getting into tight spots-- and getting out of them with style.
#3 12.9%
Void- The quiet achiever, you're devoted to your friends and are willing to take a stand for what you believe in.
#4 10.7%
Savant- Good-natured and high-spirited, you love learning and knowledge above all else.
#5 9.1%
Majestic- You've got the heart, and strength, of a classic do-gooder superhero. Saving the world takes priority over your hobbies or social life.
#6 7.9%
Spartan- The C.A.T.s' android field commander, you're tough, strong and don't waste time getting down to business.
#7 5.3%
Agent Wax- A secret agent with mind-control powers, you try to do good where you can but you're torn by circumstances and internal conflicts.
#8 4.7%
Noir- Smart, charming, sophisticated... and secretly exploiting HALO's resources for your own ends. Ooooh, sneaky.
#9 4.7%
Zealot- A skilled, battle-hardened, sword-wielding warrior, you tend to look down on people who "aren't in your league". But who cares? You don't really need 'em anyway... right?
#10 4.4%
T.A.O.- Your motto is "Knowledge is power"-- and boy, you've got a lot of it. You have no need for friends or love; you'll brush anything aside to get to your goal.
#11 2.5%
Ladytron- You've got the energy level and attention span of a four-year-old kid with ten cups of coffee in her system. Your answer to any problem is your super-strong fists and vast array of weaponry.
#12 1.6%
Voodoo- You like to party and socialize, and you sure know how to look after yourself when you're in a crunch. People who see you as just another cutie had better watch out.
#13 1.3%
Jacob Marlowe/Emp- A professional through and through-- the head honcho, well-skilled in business and strategy. That doesn't stop you from having a good time once in a while, though, and you know how to party with the best of 'em.
#14 1.3%
Warblade- There's nothing you enjoy better than kicking bad-guy butt and kicking back with your friends.
#15 0.6%
Condition Red- A crooked cop and Mob infiltrator turned superhero, you've got a dry wit and a flair for firearms.

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