Survey Says: Top Pet spoilers results, Pets Survey
The top 15 Pet spoilers results of 46 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Pet spoilers.      

#1 43.5%
If you have a baby pet you need a lot of pet toys.
#2 8.7%
If you have a big house, LET HIM RUN.
#3 4.3%
#4 0.0%
If it is a female spay her.
#5 0.0%
If it is a male nuture him.
#6 0.0%
If you don't have enough money for it you need to work.
#7 0.0%
If you have a pool let the animal in.(The dog)
#8 0.0%
If you live in warm weather keep him cool.
#9 0.0%
If your dog has toys, BUY MORE!
#10 0.0%
If your dog is old make him as happy as you can.
#11 0.0%
If your pet has somthing to lay on let him lay on the couch.
#12 0.0%
If your pet is already spoiled than don't spoile it any more.
#13 0.0%
If your pet is an orphan pay a lot of attention to him so he does not miss his mom.
#14 0.0%
If your pet is happy make him happier
#15 0.0%
If your pet is not important to you, Pay more attention to it.

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