Survey Says: Top What Shi Cho charactor are you most like? results, Anime Survey
The top 7 What Shi Cho charactor are you most like? results of 26 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What Shi Cho charactor are you most like?.      

#1 76.9%
Cho: she is a loner girl who sees no point in living but goes on only becuse she knows she is the only one who can stop the zombies and demons
#2 15.4%
Chisa: A self centerd cat demon who loves being the center of attetion and cant help but fall in lust with lovely things. Would like to chain up her creator Cho
#3 7.7%
Kai: Demon lord of the 3 realm of hell. he is strong, cunning, and full of rage to the angels above. yet he is still kind and loving to his one true love, Cho
#4 0.0%
Erin: a happy go lucky Druidess who has no more purpose in life then to kill the evil of the world, she likes her creator, Cho quit well
#5 0.0%
Sandhya: A demonic goat girl who sees life as one big blood bath, but still cares for her creator, Cho
#6 0.0%
Tomomi: a popular girl who has a crush on Cho so she cast a spell on her self to get her. she is full of love and hope
#7 0.0%
Vera: An Evil zombie goddess who cant show emotions without rotting, she plans to kill Cho her creator

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