Survey Says: Top Which Harvest Moon Girl Are You? results, Video Games Survey
Video Games
The top 5 Which Harvest Moon Girl Are You? results of 72 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Harvest Moon Girl Are You?.      

#1 44.4%
--Anne -- You like animals. You can be snappy and are easily offended, but you try to keep a positive attitude.
#2 20.8%
--Elli-- You are thoughtful but scared of commitment, untrusting. You are always happy to help but take criticism seriously.
#3 16.7%
--Popuri-- You are sweet and cute, and also love plants. You are not very tolerant of change, although you can learn to live with it.
#4 11.1%
--Maria-- You are shy, smart, and spend a lot of time worrying.
#5 6.9%
--Karen-- You are fun-loving and like to have things your way. You hate revealing inner feelings and thoughts with others.

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