Survey Says: Top Which Game of Thrones Character Are You? results, Television Survey
The top 25 Which Game of Thrones Character Are You? results of 1266 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Game of Thrones Character Are You?.      

#1 25.7%
Arya Stark
#2 13.7%
Cersei Lannister
#3 8.2%
Jaime Lannister
#4 7.6%
Brienne of Tarth
#5 7.0%
Tyrion Lannister
#6 5.7%
Petyr Baelish
#7 5.6%
Jon Snow
#8 3.9%
Robb Stark
#9 3.6%
Tywin Lannister
#10 3.3%
Bran Stark
#11 3.3%
Catelyn Stark
#12 2.2%
Eddard Stark
#13 1.7%
Samwell Tarly
#14 1.7%
Davos Seaworth
#15 1.4%
Joffrey Baratheon
#16 1.3%
Daenerys Targaryen
#17 1.0%
Sandor Clegane
#18 0.9%
#19 0.5%
Khal Drogo
#20 0.5%
Sansa Stark
#21 0.3%
Jorah Mormont
#22 0.2%
#23 0.2%
Robert Baratheon
#24 0.2%
Stannis Baratheon
#25 0.2%
Theon Greyjoy

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