Survey Says: Top Dead Poet's Society results, Books Survey
The top 8 Dead Poet's Society results of 1107 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Dead Poet's Society.      

#1 24.8%
Allen Ginsberg You are intelligent, political and controversial. You experiment with your art and art is your life.
#2 23.3%
Shakespeare You are lyrical, romantic and passionate about your work. You live for drama and tragedy will never get the best of you, because you will turn it into art.
#3 14.3%
Sylvia Plath You are brilliant, sensitive and sad- perhaps even suicidal. You think dying is an art.
#4 13.1%
Lord Byron You are a romantic, dark figure who inspires many rumors and legends.
#5 10.7%
Anne Sexton You are sad, but elegant and interesting- enough to inspire a small following.
#6 8.7%
Jim Morrison You are spiritual, sexy and somewhat of a troublemaker. You are very controversial and you may even be musically inclined.
#7 4.8%
Edgar Allen Poe You are moody and mysterious. To others, you appear peculiar and even somewhat spooky.
#8 0.4%
W.B Yeats You are interested in magick and mythology- they are where your roots lie. You tend to fall in love hard and with one person and are devoted (sometimes hopelessly) throughout your life.

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