Survey Says: Top Which Sailor Moon character will you have for lunch tomorrow? results, Anime Survey
The top 7 Which Sailor Moon character will you have for lunch tomorrow? results of 33 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Sailor Moon character will you have for lunch tomorrow?.      

#1 66.7%
Sailor Moon - She begs you not to kill her, swearing her friends will save her, but her cries are in vain. Not even Tuxedo Kamen can save her from you. You quickly butcher her and serve her up as the main ingredient in a cake. How fitting. However, the cake has a strange effect, causing you to start making impassioned speeches about good triumphing over evil at every opportunity - which causes a problem when the next door neighbour asks to borrow a cup of sugar and you chew their head of telling them they'll never get away with such evil.
#2 12.1%
Sailor Venus - You decide to serve her up as the main course in a candlelit meal for two with your sweetheart. Thanks to the senshi's affinity for love-based attacks, and the power of her heart adding a certain... something... to the delicacy, your beloved is so impressed by the romantic setting and those flavours, and the aphrodisiac nature of the food that... they decide to stay for coffee ;)
#3 9.1%
Sailor Mercury - You will decide to serve her after putting her through an ice cream maker with the relevant ingredients. Then you take your Sailor Mercury Ice Cream to the local library and share it out with the people there. How generous! As a result of imbibing such intellectual fare, everyone who eats some feels inspired to do well, to learn more from their reading material, take out more intelligent books, and generally has their IQ temporarily raised a notch! well done, you did a great service for the community!
#4 6.1%
Sailor Mars - you enjoy spicy food, and the heat of Rei's attacks and the passion in her heart form a very hot flavour in the food. You will decide to prepare her as a curry and serve her with some rice. She ill be delicious!
#5 3.0%
Sailor Jupiter - You decide against making a picnic of her. Lightning may strike, after all. Instead, you use her to prepare a complicated, but tasteful dish involving only the finest cuts, that girl knew how to cook, after all. Once you've finished eating, you start to feel restless. Next thing you know, you're running a marathon and winning a gold medal at the Olympics. Was tehre any sport Jupiter wasn't good at? well, it seems eating her has caused that to rub off on you a bit. Enjoy your new career as an athlete.
#6 3.0%
Tuxedo Kamen - His flesh makes an excellent garnish for some fruity cocktails, and you throw a party. But you can't decide who to invite. Good people, or evil people? in the end, you change your mind and simply start growing a large rose garden... then throwing the roses at people
#7 0.0%
Chibiusa - you really want food poisoning, don't you? the irritating little Pink Spore will cause severe diorrhea. You made a very bad choice, and it doesn't even matter what you decide to use her to prepare, the food will end up as overcooked as the character was. She won't even taste particularly good. And the toothache chewing such a sickeningly sugarry morsel will give you will cause an emergency trip to the dentist for several fillings.

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