Survey Says: Top Which Dark Senshi Rhea Character Are You? results, Anime Survey
The top 8 Which Dark Senshi Rhea Character Are You? results of 26 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Dark Senshi Rhea Character Are You?.      

#1 80.8%
Alina Yoshida (Rhea): The perfect combination of sugar and spice. Helpful, personable, and you can really kick ass when you're ticked off. ^_^v
#2 15.4%
Aidan: You love to have fun, and you have trouble taking things seriously sometimes. However, if your friends need you, you're reliable and intelligent in a pinch.
#3 3.8%
Alexander Yoshida (Ayre): You're hard-headed, willful and stubborn, but when people can get past the wall you've built around yourself, they'll see that your intentions are always good. Deep down, you care for everyone around you very much.
#4 0.0%
Erik Arakawa: My God, are those shoujo bubbles surrounding your head? You're virtually perfect. Thoughful, kind, caring, gorgeous... angelic. You're never afraid to be yourself or help someone in need.
#5 0.0%
Icarus: You're a tyrannical, bloodthirsty villain.
#6 0.0%
Kyoji: You work too hard, and take your job too seriously. Try and mellow out a little, and have some fun!
#7 0.0%
Makoto: A quiet, dependable companion. People who know you feel comforted by your presence.
#8 0.0%
Spiro: You're a psychotic pervert. You'd do anything if someone dared you to. Stay away from me, freak!

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