Survey Says: Top who's your anime gf / bf results, Anime Survey
The top 25 who's your anime gf / bf results of 188 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for who's your anime gf / bf.      

#1 16.5%
Cammy White from Street Fighter
#2 12.2%
Kou Leifou from The Bouncer
#3 11.7%
Amelia Will Tesla Saloon from The Slayers
#4 9.6%
Gourry Gabriev from The Slayers
#5 9.6%
Lina Inverse from The Slayers
#6 8.5%
Orphen from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
#7 6.4%
Relina Peacecraft from Gundam Wing
#8 5.9%
D from Vampire Hunter D
#9 4.3%
Karama from Yu Yu Hakusho
#10 3.7%
Duo Maxwell from Gundam Wing
#11 2.7%
Trowa Barton from Gundam Wing
#12 2.1%
Heero Yuy from Gundam Wing
#13 1.1%
Cleo from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
#14 1.1%
Dominique Cross from The Bouncer
#15 1.1%
#16 1.1%
Sion Barsod from The Bouncer
#17 1.1%
Zelgadiss Greywords from The Slayers
#18 0.5%
Majic from Sorcerous Stabber Orphen
#19 0.5%
Wufei Chang from Gundam Wing
#20 0.5%
Xelloss The Myisterious Priest from The Slayers
#21 0.0%
Quatre Rabarba Winner from Gundam Wing
#22 0.0%
Ryu from Street Fighter
#23 0.0%
Sacura from Street fighter
#24 0.0%
Volt Kruger from The Bouncer
#25 0.0%
Yoko Karama from Yu Yu Hakusho

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