Survey Says: Top Which Team Rocket agent are you? results, Anime Survey
The top 8 Which Team Rocket agent are you? results of 542 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Which Team Rocket agent are you?.      

#1 27.5%
YOU ARE JESSIE- badass head of the group, who doesn't take any sh*t. You enjoy showing off yer physique and skills, and have a love of fashion; and NOBODY messes with your friends... Your Pokemon are Arbok, Lickitung & Wobbufet, your weapon of choice is a bazooka.
#2 21.2%
YOU ARE MEOWTH- you are sarcastic, cynical and the Bogart of the Pokemon set, and forever bonded w/ Jessie and James- you're da boss though, and know how everything stands. You talk tough but try to avoid fights- unless someone goes after people you care about. Then they LOSE THEIR SPLEENS! You ARE a Pokemon, but pal around w/ Arbok & Weezing, and your weapon of choice is a Tommy Gun.
#3 16.2%
YOU ARE BUTCH- one nasty SOB, and partnering Cassidy. You are NOT a nice person, and your voice scares little children. Your Pokemon is Primeape, and your weapon is your own voice magnified.
#4 14.2%
YOU ARE JAMES- bisexual and proud of it! You have an odd love of cross-dressing, and STILL get to go out with Jessie (lucky bugger). You value freedom and friendship over money, though money doesn't hurt, and like to show your feelings. Your Pokemon are Koffing & Victreebel, your weapon of choice is a tranquilliser dart.
#5 7.0%
YOU ARE GIOVANNI- you're the boss. Your will shall be done, OR ELSE. You are powerful and in love with control; your Pokemon of choice is Persian, and as far weapons... You've got whole BUILDINGS full of 'em!
#6 5.5%
YOU ARE DOMINO- dangerous, effective and totally schizo. You revel in blowing stuff up, and also in cute Pokemon- being evil is just FUN! Your Pokemon is anything cute in the Poison family, and your weapon is a flamethrower.
#7 4.8%
YOU ARE MONDO- your friends are dear to you, and you'll do anything for them. You are in awe of them, but know they need you- you're the only one who can repair all their stuff! Your Pokemon is Ditto, and you have NO weapon- you're a pacifist.
#8 3.5%
YOU ARE CASSIDY- ambition is everything. You enjoy making your rivals feel bad, and are basically a spiteful b*tch. Your Pokemon of choice is a Drowzee, and your weapon is a simple automatic rifle.

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