Survey Says: Top Shiro Lucifer + Kuro Lucifer's Private Hell results, Anime Survey
The top 11 Shiro Lucifer + Kuro Lucifer's Private Hell results of 36 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Shiro Lucifer + Kuro Lucifer's Private Hell.      

#1 69.4%
You are Uriel: A "fallen" angel, you're really Lucifer, but not the Lucifer recalled in the Bible. You're rebelous against those who hold athority above you. You're devoted to a man who left you, people want your body and you don't know why, and you had horrible lives full of hate crimes against you. You have lack of emotions and understanding of others. You never seem to die, though you desire death.
#2 11.1%
You are Hydra: The husband of a goddess, you had everything- until she left you with your billions of offpring without another word. Besides that, you always loved her and remained an ever devoted husband, father and workaholic. You love to help people and are mild tempered.
#3 8.3%
You are Sulfer: The mother of Osiris, you are the definition of slut and bitch. You hated your goodie-two-shoes brothers and mother, thus killed them all or beat the shit out of them for musement. You continually were the root of human sufferage, building your vast empire of the blood and sweat of others. You even raped your own brother just for revenge. You donb't care about anyone but yourself. And you're damned proud of it!
#4 2.8%
You Are Umbra: You are the evil half of another being. Wanting to have your own will and hating humans, you broke loose and almost succeeded in destroying the universe- until your annoying half saved enough to repopulate Earth thousands of years later. You are pure evil and are still bent on destroying the universe, life and your good twin. -Until a higher power beheaded you.
#5 2.8%
You are God: A selfish (female) bitch, you love no one but yourself. And you want Uriel all to yourself. You created him, he was SUPPOSED to make you happy in bed for all eternity, but he had to turn out to be gay and love some demi-god human thing. You decide to make his life misrable and a living hell until he'll submit into your glory and be your sex slave for life. Go you!
#6 2.8%
You are Osiris: An all around bastard, you were once the proud God of the Underworld and had millions of humans worship you. Your mother was a slut and bitch. You grew up knowing only hate, anger and pain. Now you stop at nothing to get what you want, even at the expence of others. It took one lonely "angel" to soften your cold heart, but unfortunately it vansihed from all traces just when you truely loved it. Now you're back to being a gambler with your big business in the world stock market.
#7 2.8%
You are Ytterbium: The first reencarnation of Uriel, and the God of Dreamers. You were raised to hate violence and like a daughter. You father despised you and loved letting your older sister kick your ass. When your mother was murdered, you took raising your brother as your responcibility, but fucked up. You tried to protect and love him as your own, but you have a major lack of emotion and understanding. You have good intentions and tried to bring back your former kingdom that was destroied by your sister, but failed. You tried to beat your sister in battle for generations, but always ended up loossing and being raped for her amusement. Your life sucked.
#8 0.0%
You are Kyuu: The BIOLOGICAL son of two gay men, you are a mystery to all. You are a feminine gay crossdresser like your "mother", loved your parents and loved animals. You are more pwerful than anyone imagined and are amazingly beautiful. -Until you hung yourself when both your parents left you.
#9 0.0%
You are The God of War: You are the true God of War. You raped the woman you thought was dead sexy, forced her to live in your kingdom and made her give brirth to three brats. You thrived in starting wars for amusement, and when you weren't on the battle field, you were getting drunk and raping women. You loved forcing your daughter and older son to fight, scorning your son when he lost and even arranged for him to be raped just for laughs. You are one hell of an asshole- and proud of it!
#10 0.0%
You are Vega: You are a super kawaii feminime gay man. In your first past life, you were created, not born. Your personalities conflicted and the evil half broke loose and is now after your life. You are devoted to your husband and keep getting kidnapped. -Until your husband vanished without a trace, you died by asking a "friend" to put you out of your sufferings.
#11 0.0%
You are Yume, Goddess of Dreams: You were forced to marry and bare the children of the God of War. You are quiet and wise, but small and weak. You were unable to raise your daughter Sulfur right. You dedicated your life to raising your son into what you never got to raise Sulfur to be. It was with good intentions, but in the end it fucked everything. You were killed by your dughter in a rage of hate. Too bad you're dead.

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