Survey Says: Top What is your Celebrity match? results, Movies Survey
The top 17 What is your Celebrity match? results of 3550 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What is your Celebrity match?.      

#1 22.2%
Brad Pitt
#2 14.9%
Tom Cruise
#3 12.3%
Brendan Fraser
#4 9.3%
Orlando Bloom
#5 8.2%
Ewan McGregor
#6 6.4%
Heath Ledger
#7 6.2%
Elijah Woods
#8 5.7%
Leonardo DiCaprio
#9 2.7%
Viggo Mortenson
#10 2.5%
Erik von Detten
#11 2.5%
Billy Boyd
#12 2.0%
#13 1.8%
Josh Hartnet
#14 1.7%
Josh Lucas
#15 1.2%
James Marsden
#16 0.4%
Sean Astin
#17 0.0%
Hayden Christensen

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