Survey Says: Top which Rurouni Kenshin guy is right for you? results, Anime Survey
The top 9 which Rurouni Kenshin guy is right for you? results of 345 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for which Rurouni Kenshin guy is right for you?.      

#1 62.6%
Kenshin Himura: You want someone who can be nice and protect you without getting blood on his hands. You wanna comfort him and be comforted by him. You seek a loving relationship of trust and compassion.
#2 12.8%
Sanosuke Sagara: You will fight......for your PAAAAAAARTYYYYY! You wanna have an emotionally charged roller coaster ride of fun and adventure while still knowing that he'll do anything for you. Buckle your seat belts and keep your arms and heart inside the ride at all times.
#3 8.4%
Aoshi Shinomori: You want a mature rock to give you an equal partnership. You wanna be protected and still cared for, though it may time to break down that wall of ice. You can't help but want to know what's inside because the outside intrigues you. You can accept what he was and help him to love what he is.
#4 8.4%
Mokoto Shishio: You crazy mo fo, yo! You want a strong leader who will wear you on his arm with pride in front of all of his lil flunkies. You like in psyco, and they don't get more psyco than this...
#5 4.1%
Anji: Aw, poor baby. He's had a tramatic past and you need to use your love and kindness to snap him back to reality. It's okay, once he has you he'll never want to let you go, for he's too afriad of it happening again.
#6 2.6%
Hajime Saitou: You on the crack child? You wanna be controlled. You seek your solid, unchanging rock who will always make the decisions because you're too afriad of what will happen if you do. You want to be told when and how to do things and all the while you are happy because it is making him happy.
#7 0.9%
Seta Soujirou: You want someone who needs you as much as you need him. You thrive onthat warm feeling of comforting him as he cries on your shoulder, because he needs to and he needs you.
#8 0.3%
Kamatari: You wanna best friend. You're not looking for commitment or any of that crap, you wanna girlfriend minus the boobs. Expect sleepovers with facials and lots of talk about how great Lord Shishio is.
#9 0.0%
Seijurou Hikou: You want someone to cheer for from the sidelines and show off to everyone else. Of course, he's quite into himself so he'll like it.

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