Survey Says: Top Knots Landing Character Quiz results, Television Survey
The top 23 Knots Landing Character Quiz results of 208 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Knots Landing Character Quiz.      

#1 10.6%
Gary Ewing - the handsome unfaithful alcoholic
#2 10.1%
Michael Fairgate - the cute son of Sid & Karen
#3 8.2%
Diana Fairgate - Karens trouble making daughter
#4 6.7%
Paige Matheson - the seductive illegitmate daughter of Mack
#5 6.3%
Abby Fairgate Cunningham etc. - the tricky beautiful business woman with all the eye make-up
#6 5.8%
Olivia Cunningham - Abby's troubled pretty daughter
#7 5.3%
Kenny Ward - the cute music executive
#8 4.8%
Ciji Dunne - the beautiful singer who ends up dead
#9 4.8%
Ginger Ward - the sweet school teacher
#10 4.3%
Richard Avery - the obnoxious attorney
#11 4.3%
Tom Ryan - the sexy on-the-take detective
#12 3.8%
Chip Roberts - the press agent who kills
#13 3.8%
Karen Fairgate Mackenzie - the neighbor who stays on top of everything
#14 3.4%
Ben Gibson - the reporter who falls for Val
#15 3.4%
Joshua Rush - the crazy preacher who ends up dead
#16 2.4%
Mack Mackenzie - the attorny and private investigator
#17 1.9%
Anne Matheson - the old girlfriend who shows up in town and causes trouble
#18 1.9%
Greg Sumner - the rich underhanded politician
#19 1.9%
Lilimae Clements - the meddling mom who moves in with Val
#20 1.9%
This is not an answer, I've taken some liberties with the scoring so each character has a chance
#21 1.9%
Valene Ewing - the poor sweet country girl turned novelist
#22 1.4%
Laura Avery - the easy going wife with secrets
#23 1.0%
Sid Fairgate - the owner of KL Motors

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