Survey Says: Top What god of Minas tirith is yours? results, Lord of the Rings Survey
Lord of the Rings
The top 25 What god of Minas tirith is yours? results of 78 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What god of Minas tirith is yours?.      

#1 37.2%
Hidalgo, god of Lore.
#2 23.1%
Nieseldo, god of Children and the Sorrowful
#3 9.0%
Oro, god of Art.
#4 5.1%
Nash, god of Entropy.
#5 5.1%
Neytari, goddess of Aspiration.
#6 3.8%
Arorë, goddess of Justice/War and of the Hunt.
#7 2.6%
Indil, godess of Water.
#8 2.6%
Link, god of the Warrior.
#9 2.6%
The White Maiden, goddess of Memories
#10 1.3%
Anorfildur, goddess of Darkness.
#11 1.3%
Eruanno, god of Fire and Crafts.
#12 1.3%
Fabian, god of Balance.
#13 1.3%
Ninj, god of The Underdog.
#14 1.3%
Nárindo, goddess of Pessimistic Optimism.
#15 1.3%
Ranger, god of the Hunt .
#16 1.3%
Ypsis, goddess of Nature.
#17 0.0%
Erendis, goddess of Vacuity and Indolence
#18 0.0%
Eöl, goddess of Music.
#19 0.0%
Freya, the goddess of style.
#20 0.0%
Gneedi, goddess of Neuroses and Minor Personality Disorders
#21 0.0%
Mahanaxar, god of Music.
#22 0.0%
Malgilwen, the goddess of Good Intentions
#23 0.0%
Mavis, goddess of Metals, Weapons, and Such
#24 0.0%
Singollo, god of Debauchery.
#25 0.0%
Tundro, god of the North, Ice and Cold Weather.

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