Survey Says: Top Personality Test results, Personality Survey
The top 10 Personality Test results of 162 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for Personality Test.      

#1 27.8%
Arn't as grownup as your friends
#2 19.1%
Want to be a kid again
#3 15.4%
You are very cool and everyone wants to be like you!
#4 8.6%
Is a follower, not a leader
#5 7.4%
Your own unique person, who people respect greatly for not being trying to be like everyone else
#6 6.8%
Cool as a cucumber
#7 4.9%
Some what of a tomboy
#8 4.9%
You get scared easy and don't act as mature as your friends
#9 3.7%
To be cool, be more like everyone else
#10 1.2%
You want to be like everyone else and try to hard

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