Survey Says: Top What anime villain are you? results, Anime Survey
The top 10 What anime villain are you? results of 82 participants. Percentages indicate the frequency of the self-selected participants' top results for What anime villain are you?.      

#1 51.2%
You are Kagato from Tenchi Muyo. Your weapon of choice is a lightsword, and your trusty spaceship which you use to conquer or destroy planets. You kill anyone in the way of your quest for knowledge. Your goal? To make the universe into your own experiment.
#2 15.9%
You are Cell from Dragonballz. You like scaring the crap out of people with your power, and even hold a tournament just to show off your strength on global television. You are a big braggart who throws tantrums when things don't go right for you.
#3 8.5%
You are Mewtwo from Pokémon. You're more confused than evil, and once tried to conjure a storm that would destroy all life on Earth but yourself and your mutant pokémon. You're a boastful, arrogant jerk, too.
#4 4.9%
You are Majin Buu from Dragonballz. You have no ultimate goal, you just kill because you like to hear screams for mercy. All of existance is just there for you to play well as turn into candy and eat.
#5 4.9%
You are Zechs Marquis from Gundam Wing. You pilot some fierce mobile suits, and are matched only by Heero Yuy in skill. You don't trust anyone, but don't delight in destruction..You're just following orders...
#6 3.7%
You are Ashram from Record of Lodoss War. You're one damn good looking person, too. You are quite a swordsman, as well. You are an honorable fighter, but sometimes do bad things for the good of your kingdom's people.
#7 3.7%
You are Meier Link from Vampire Hunter D. You've killed humans, but only because they tried to take away your human lover, who (surprise!) loves you back. You don't enjoy killing, and do your best not to bite your love's neck. Unlike most vampires, you truly care for the human. So sad she is taken away from you...
#8 3.7%
You are Ryuko Saito from Generator Gawl. You went into the past T-1000 style to stop Gawl, who is doing his best to prevent a war which gave you your power through the genetic mutation experiments he hopes to stop. Your mutation gives you immesne power, and you are quite ruthless, killing anyone who defies you. Your brutality even makes Gawl go insane. On the plus side, you're a brilliant scientist.
#9 2.4%
You are Deathgyunos from Final Fantasy. Before absorbing power from elemental crystals, you looked like a big pile of entrails..but combining your organs, the crystals, and robotics makes you into a giant, deformed biological weapon with aspirations of total annihilation. You are a God, but not incapable of dying..
#10 1.2%
You are Hazanko from Outlaw Star. Already a powerful magician, you seek out the Galactic Leyline in order to gain the power to control the universe? Why? Because you FEEL like it, that's why! You want to be the big boss! What's wrong with that?

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